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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/23 in all areas

  1. Agree. It gives the show a lot more depth and looks so much better visually. Don’t know why they can’t go back to on set every week.
    1 point
  2. Being on set makes such a huge difference—the show is better.
    1 point
  3. CBS Sunday morning was back on set today. Seems to be the thing they do for Christmas (and will probably do next week as well). Wish it was every week.
    1 point
  4. It's tangentially related. So much of the music changes and debranding efforts are coinciding with the graphics rollout. It won't last forever, and we'll get back to the graphics in no time.
    1 point
  5. They've used a production cut for pre-recorded headlines for a while (I was there in the mid and late 2010's). They were using it when I was there. The previous news director thought Inergy wasn't urgent enough, so they added The Rock. Apparently, they've added the production track to it. It sounds like they've taken that cut and put it into their music computer. It was literally a computer they opened the track on and played through VLC or Windows Media Player.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. WABC has always done it right with the weather and also fellow NY station WNBC as well. These two stations are weather powerhouses. NBC is the only station with an exclusive 10 day forecast superceding WABC's 7 Day. WABC is prudent and wise to continue to invest and build in the weather department because most people tune in, just for that. Why? Because the weather directly affects the viewer. Decisions are made because of the weather so its a crucial element for any broadcast if not the most important segment of the broadcast in my opinion. Also it helps to know that, viewing habits are changing. The era of Live Television has steadily been declining. As millenials and Gen-Zrs get older and are coming of age, we rely on our mobile devices to fast track to the content we are looking for. We are not sitting down on a couch watching TV (unless its a sports event). So this also allows WABC to continue to build and solidify their online presence and produce quality content for ABC7NY and their social media platforms. So really kudos to WABC for expanding, lets see what 2024 brings!
    1 point
  8. I hate to be the grinch, but the change in music doesn't belong in this part of the forums.. Can a mod please bring these posts to the music part??
    0 points
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