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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/21 in Posts

  1. I’m pretty sure it was the idea of Blake Russell, who’s very much still there. I guess as his role got larger at the company, maybe it was less important to him, and maybe there was pushback from legacy Media General stations about changing over (their IT head now oversees that function for Nexstar, so maybe he played a role in influencing legacy Nexstar heads the other way)? They also wisely changed their domain registrar from GoDaddy to CSC Corporate around the same time (that’s who LIN and subsequently MG was using). While most of the flip backs to previous domains came from recent pre-MG Nexstar acquisitions, some legacy stations (like WCIA and KARK) changed back as well. It made sense in KARK’s case because KLRT continues to have Fox16.com and was never integrated into KARK’s ArkansasMatters.com. Don’t forget they were “PanhandleParade.com” (dumber name) under the latter Hoak days before changing to MyPanhandle.com. They also let the registration on that lapse as well it seems. Nope, it’s owned by Nexstar. https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/AsrSearch/asrRegistration.jsp?regKey=606308 Gray does operate from the tower as a tenant, paying rent to Nexstar.
    1 point
  2. Erin Kennedy was laid off last May just 3 months after she came back from Maternity leave. Thats why Audrina Bigos has been anchoring the past year.
    1 point
  3. Article mentioned Norah O'Donnell. I also read elsewhere that Jeff Glor is a possibility, and would bring a younger image (just as David Muir did at ABC) to the program. I personally thought that Scott was always a bad fit for the program. As the article stated, he is too slow placed and always came across to me as boring as hell. I also felt that John Dickerson was not the best choice for Face the Nation either. CBS This Morning is one of few bright spots for the network and I feel they'd be dumb to mess with that team and the momentum they have going. I also like Jane Pauley on Sunday Morning, so that's another bright spot.
    1 point
  4. I like it for CBS-TM, but it doesn't feel right for the Evening News, nor do I particularly care for it during special reports.
    1 point
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