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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Life's blessings are all around you. Some are hidden until they require your attention and advice. And there are those that are among you during each hour you spend on this planet. No matter, they make a soul happy an grateful to be where ones self is currently on this planet. :-)
  2. Absolutely amazing dinner.
  3. Here safely. Now time to enjoy Puget Sound for the next several days. :-)
  4. Just passing through. :-(
  5. Mr. Williams, Mr. Church, and Mr. Jones, #1 is leading on 572 southbound this morning. Just passed it at FUL.
  6. This is one trip where i dont even feel like packing... ugh.
  7. City of Angels this evening for some dinner and what not...
  8. Out and about in LA today...
  9. What a pleasant surprise!
  10. Late night dessert.
  11. I had one of those nights that was so amazing, that it'll take some time to digest it all and reminisce and look back upon it. To say I have an amazing bunch of people that love and care for me the way they do, and make sure that all is well in my life is a blessing. A blessing someone should have to live life to its fullest each and every day.
  12. More shenanigans. Juicy Nookies will be had lol.
  13. Late night shenanigans.
  14. Surprise Matt! :-) Nice to fly with my brother again after a 3 year absence. Also nice to be back in the Twin Cities for a weekend.
  15. Probably the last update ill make. From @LAX_Official on Twitter, Terminals 1 & 2 are preparing to reopen. Employees of both the airlines and concessions are returning to the terminal. Terminal 3 as assumed, will be closed UFN due to it still being a active crime scene. 1st tier ground stop will be lifted at 2300Z tentatively.
  16. from @LAX_Official on Twitter. Once Terminals 1/2/3 have been searched thoroughly by LAWAPD and LAPD, normal operations will resume.
  17. LAX Shooting highlights. 3 people injured. Including 1 TSA agent. Suspect in custody, shot in the leg appearantly. Passengers who were inside T1/T2/T3 at the time were either evacuated to TBIT's bus gates by going across the ramp somehow or told to return to their respective terminals and shelter in place. LAPD West and South Bureaus are on Tactical Alert at this time. Additionally CHP has asked that all remain clear of the 405 and 105 around the airport so further resources have no further h...
  18. You know, i've been having this act lately of walking into someones life, and providing advice and comfort that somehow puts a smile on their face and lets them know everything on this planet will be alright. You have the right people around you to make you laugh, put your mind on something happy for a brief moment before what is sometimes a harsh reality sets back in. Just remember, you are never alone on this planet. You always have people looking out for you in many ways and forms. Just re...
  19. By the way, all i care about sportswise until Pitchers and Catchers report in February is Hockey. That is all. Oh, and forgot to add this, #BostonStrong.
  20. Having one of those weeks where the smile hasnt let up on my face all week long. A lot of good things have fallen into place lately. With some more pieces of the puzzle called life falling into place in the coming weeks maybe. But alas one shouldnt forget that those pieces in the puzzle can change dramatically in part to outside factors. If they do, just go with the flow, follow the path assigned to you for the time being. In time it will change again. But the people around you wont. :-)
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