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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Reports of fire #8 for the day starting in Scripps Ranch/San Diego. For Avgeeks, its important to note SoCal TRACON is about 2-4 miles west of this reported fire.
  2. Rerouted to SFO on AAL1954. QXE468 cxld due to MX.
  3. Respect life and the chapters that are written about said life. It will provide joy, sadness, and reasons to live the way you do day in, and day out. Second chances are only around once, after that, well, you have to move on.
  4. Robin Williams' apparent suicide should be a reminder to make sure the people you love aren't hurting inside and not want to hurt themselves in a horrible way. As someone who attempted suicide many times growing up, the struggle of severe depression and anxiety drove me to those points many many times. But to overcome it all doesn't have to be a battle that you fight alone. Somehow through all the haze of sorrow, you find that you have people that love you more than you could possibly imagin...
  5. Runway 28L/10R at SFO will reopen tomorrow. Exact time is unknown.
  6. San Francisco, this weekend? Sure! Why not!
  7. SAN-LAX-SFO Delta/SkyWest in the AM. CRJ9's. Dont need to ask for anything more really. :-) Cessna trip with Charlie Baggett, Lucas Dziesinski, Tucker Lambert, and James Hewlett on Sunday. :-)
  8. Sexy. Very sexy.
  9. SF and KC... i like that combo. :-)
  10. Sharing a bottle of wine and a great dinner with a good friend. Yeah, this caps a pretty good weekend and trip so far. :-)
  11. Simply put, RSA (Runway Safety Area) work is being done the next 3 years at LAX, with the occasional runway closures/shorten usable lengths. Shenanigans? Very much so.
  12. Sipping on baileys, watching the stars outside the window seat I have here in first class on a 737-800 at FL360. Realizing Christmas is only a week away. Life is just so pleasant and jovial right now.
  13. SKW4712 and SKW4597...
  14. SKW4822 to LAX. First class.
  15. SkyWest x2 tonight. Double CRJ's. My milk run. SFO-LAX-SAN. Beautiful weather for a ride down the coast. I hope Evan Baach will approve of this. ;)
  16. Small fire just hit at the top of the canyon at the end of the Culdasac at Gaylord Ct here in the housing complex i live in. Neighbors as a collective got hoses down the side of the canyon, only about 20-30 feet to put it out. Most of the fire was out as SDFD arrived. They proceeded to put foam on it. Completely out now thank goodness..
  17. Smells like cow. Eww.
  18. Smile. Laugh. Love. Enjoy life.
  19. So apparently, theres now a Steak and Shake in California!!!!! Victorville to be exact. I'm thinking a road trip is in order..
  20. So glad to finally meet Jeran!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  21. So I wanted to say something about today and my reporting on the facts of Asiana 214. I know there is now a total of 2 confirmed deaths from this accident. I could've reserved my thoughts on saying all souls survived. But alas it was in the heat of the moment and needed to be said. Lets not forget and for the moment that 299 other souls survived this crash. We will know more of course in the days and weeks ahead. To those that thanked me for the information I provided immediately after this i...
  22. So, 2014 birthday trip. Up to Seattle 7th-9th of March, down to Portland on the 9th for an overnight, then SF on the 10th. Home that day more than likely. Plans in each town haven't been settled yet. But nothing crazy will be happening! Will be home for my actual birthday since its mid-week and people probably not being around to do anything. :-)
  23. So.. Proud Bird is not going to die after all. Perhaps they can now focus on re-vamping their menu and service eh? Oh who are we kidding.. thats just part of the ambiance!
  24. Some Snapseed edited HDR shots from Fridays flight over LAX on the Mini Route and SFRA. Thanks for the ride again Scott!!! :-)
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