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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Some tea and people watching on what is a nice day up here in Seattle.
  2. Some time in Los Angeles will be happening today.
  3. Something about a goal by the US Soccer Team? ;-)
  4. Something called a 2 hour sit..
  5. Sorry to bombard all of your guys' newsfeeds with my #selfie's. Just doing some housecleaning!
  6. Splurging. So. Effing. Good.
  7. Spotting. Before heading home!
  8. Starting down for LAX. Weather as follows if you all understand it. KSAN 030551Z 34003KT 1/8SM R09/1000V1200FT FG VV001 13/12 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP173 T01330122 10189 20133 53005. They're bussing everyone down. But I'm just gonna get a rental home.
  9. Starting my 9+ hr drive home to the Southland. To all the amazing souls who wished me a happy birthday thusfar, thank you, thank you, thank you. :-)
  10. Staying in my favorite place in this world of ours for another day. Driving home tomorrow on my birthday, no big deal. :-)
  11. Stepping stones for the future are laid right in front of you. You just have to make sure you know where they are, and what amazing good it will bring to you in due time. Just remember to keep following the path with your spirit bright and head up. And the reward will be all the worth while. :-)
  12. Such an amazing flight thus far... What my soul has needed after a grueling past couple days. About to decent overhead LAX at FL290 or above then the. Rest of the HUBRD arrival. To my friends, thanks for your kind words over the past few days regarding my friend Dominic. Your words have touched me greatly.
  13. Super late dinner. :-)
  14. Surprise Matt! :-) Nice to fly with my brother again after a 3 year absence. Also nice to be back in the Twin Cities for a weekend.
  15. Surprised Crawley! Haven't seen him in over 3 years.
  16. Take a moment to step back and look at the life you have around you once during the day. Be thankful of the blessings you have in your life. Soulmates, parents, the ability to travel to see the people you love and cherish the most. Never take any of those things for granted. And don't let anyone hold you back from what you want to do and what you believe is right for your life.
  17. Thank god baseball is back.
  18. Thank god baseball will be going on strong from now till November! I respect my basketball friends.. But give me a ball park to sit in on a warm summers evening anytime!
  19. Thanks Delta for having low-mileage awards 5 days out from departure date to the destinations i need to go to!
  20. Thanks eBay for the free half an hour of wifi in the skies!
  21. Thanks to all for the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday! Nothing has changed as i turned a quarter century old. And to be perfectly honest, i dont think anything will. The past quarter century of growing up to be the person i am today has been at times, grueling, and always adventurous. To another 25 years.... wait.. to just being here and now, with all the wonderful souls and people i have in my life. Again, thank you guys. It was just amazing to read all of the greetings on my drive home....
  22. Thanks to all of those friends so far who've posted birthday greetings. Hasn't been the best of birthdays. But it is what it is. :-)
  23. Thanks to those who've posted a Birthday Wish on my wall so far!!! :-)
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