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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. The commute to the Bay, my second home, returns on Friday! Looking forward to just enjoying good food, good friends, and wonderful wonderful times! :-)
  2. The drive homeward begins.... NOW!
  3. The favorite place in the City with the favorite people in my life. :-)
  4. The footage from the original screen grabs of the TransAsia ATR crash.
  5. The Friday ritual continues...
  6. The hell with the debate!!! GIANTS!!!!! :-D
  7. The new Star Tours in 3D is badass!!!!
  8. The news feed has returned to its old thing once again. It appears to be a staggered roll-out. Look for it soon.
  9. The next chapter in my life should've started later this week, but alas, it is not. While slightly down about it, things just happen for a reason in life. Some things you do have control, other aspects you dont. One must however keep the positive sides of life relatively close to you. Friends, family, keepsakes. Because one might never know when you might lose them, or they lose you without warning. One simply has to realize that the book of life is and never will be under your control. One a...
  10. The next couple days to a week im gonna have a permanent smile or grin on my face. Life's been quite well lately. Its only bound to continue on as does the rest of the world.
  11. The one and only Mr. Padre has left us to serve above. RIP Tony.
  12. The past 3 weeks of this month have reminded me of who my closest friends are on this planet, and the fact that through whatever life takes us, there is that bond of friendship that will always last between us. I feel especially proud of some of my younger friends who have graduated high school and are now moving onto their next chapters in life. I'm proud to be somewhat of a guide for them through life's challenges and so on. I've said this before and i'll say it again.. You only get this li...
  13. The past couple of days have once again reminded me of how precious i am to have such an amazing group of friends in my life. I haven't traveled far so far this summer. Perhaps theres a reason that hasnt fully shown itself behind why that is. Regardless, i know where my place is in life, and most importantly, where the most important people are in my life. In my heart and soul. Even when they're halfway across the world, they're right next to me in spirit, and means of communication like Face...
  14. The past few weeks... simple, yet, amazing times and happiness have been going on in my life. I dont think its done yet. T-minus 90 days till the next chapter of my life begins.
  15. The past week and a half has been one of the most joyous and wonderful times in my life that i can think of in recent memory. Certain sights and sounds that i have seen have just made my heart swell with pride, and made me know that i am a blessed person to walk on this planet and have such amazing, wonderful, down to earth souls be around me to guide me along the path, and in return, guide them on their own path.
  16. The people that surround me daily with such kindness are people that will be friends and soulmates for the rest of my life and beyond. They know me deep down inside, and i know them the same way. And i think they know who they are. I surely do.
  17. The raindrops that are falling on me coupled with a nice ocean breeze and the amazing new Andrew Bayer album puts my mind into one of peace and relaxation. No other way to describe how I currently feel on this planet.
  18. The real deal.
  19. The thought for the day, we really dont get enough thunderstorms in these parts. God the smell of fresh rain on a warm summer morning or evening is so intoxicating.
  20. The trip that i did today was one of the best day trips that i could've planned. SAN-LAX-PHX-SLC-LAX-SAN, 5 planes, 4 of the flights in first. Saw a 41yr senior f/a commute home for the last time from her trip. Went through some awesome weather up to SLC from PHX. Saw a most amazing sunset leaving SLC, and actually re-connecting with someone you met 3 years ago. Yeah, i had a blast. :-)
  21. There are days where I feel that I am intrusive on the souls I care about the most. But when you realize that perhaps said souls go out of your way to make you feel at ease after certain plans go awry, the intrusiveness goes away and you are left with a warm feeling of appreciation, love, and gratitude. ❤️✌️
  22. There are simple reminders in a day that you shouldn't think onlym about your actions and your goings on you do day to day. There are the people that care for you that also need to be thought about just as much. A reminder of that to them can do a world of good to their heart and soul along with yours. Sometimes it's a tough balancing act. But in the end, the reward of having your friends, brothers, sisters, and soulmates pays off more than anyone could possibly imagine.
  23. There are those times in ones life that you know where and what your purpose is for your special friends/soulmates and their families. Today was that time. Of course these days happen because of a change of heart and you need to care and support them whatever way you can. Be it moving someone you care for from place to place, or just having coffee with them. You make it known that you are there for them in any way, shape or form. They do the same for you in return. :-)
  24. There were a couple people that i felt that went out of their way to make sure a problem i had to deal with today ended up with a wonderful conclusion. It did. You know who you are. Thank you. :-)
  25. Theres something about the smell of rain hitting the pavement and ground in the summer that is so intoxicating. Thanks for stopping by Monsoons!
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