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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. I return to the skies on Thursday! :-D
  2. One sometimes wonders if whether ones purpose on this planet is to be a companion with someone else or just have flings that just come along, or perhaps just have 4 or 5 amazing souls surround you with love and gratitude. The mystery's of life that i ponder about sometimes give me anxiety, yet also on the flip side give me hope. All one can do in the end is just make a decision that is your own when it comes to who you want and what you want out of life. Not what others say or want. Some may...
  3. This came from an acquaintance of mine. "When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want? ... Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame? Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car? Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement? Of course not. What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn't they matter most now?" —Max Lucado in "A Love Worth Giving"
  4. Tomorrow between 2:30pm and 5:30pm, ill be helping out KCRW's Winter Pledge Drive by answering phones! If you live locally in Southern California or around the world, please take a moment over the next 9 days to make a donation of any amount to this wonderful radio station that is known all around this world!
  5. To those who are rooting for both the Giants and Patriots, congratulations. But as for myself, when do pitchers and catchers report for spring training again? Can't wait for Baseball! :-D
  6. "Why do people love aviation? My reasoning is because flying gives one a sense of freedom. A sense of passion that cannot be received from anything else. Flying in itself is a great adventure that not one person my understand until he takes off into the skies on his own. Its just you and the airplane. On a sunny and clear or (severe clear) as we like to call it, you can see for miles and miles. The sights that you get to see match or top anything you could ever imagine to see at ground level....
  7. Just an absolutely stellar evening with OLD OLD friends. Day 2 comes in the morning, looking forward to what it holds.
  8. Off to Las Vegas for an overnight. Seeing some friends, doing some spotting, you know, normal geek stuff.
  9. I love when things are being beta tested and people don't even know it supposedly. Coaster Commuter Rail now has free wifi on 1 of their train sets. Pretty decent speed, but let's see what happens when it handles a load of devices.
  10. Respect life and the chapters that are written about said life. It will provide joy, sadness, and reasons to live the way you do day in, and day out. Second chances are only around once, after that, well, you have to move on.
  11. Fantastic day around SoCal with Gene Cao and Tucker Lambert, such awesomeness will have to happen again real soon. :-D
  12. You are only given a single chance at life, if there is one single thing one should do, you should treasure it with all of your heart and soul, and encompass all the special people within it. If you have goals, they will take time to be reached. If you need to reveal aspects about you, take your time on how to find who you REALLY are. Don't let people or souls steer the course of your life, rather, take their advice under great consideration, and ALWAYS go your own way down the path. To a...
  13. Its weird, i usually have something thoughtful and meaningful to say around this time of year. Give me another week perhaps. Will say the holidays for me went better than in previous years. That's all i could really ask for more than presents.
  14. Home... safe and sound. Time to sleep for a bit. Awesome 2 days as usual just up the coast. :-)
  15. Sipping on baileys, watching the stars outside the window seat I have here in first class on a 737-800 at FL360. Realizing Christmas is only a week away. Life is just so pleasant and jovial right now.
  16. Thanks eBay for the free half an hour of wifi in the skies!
  17. Been a fantastic 4 days or so for me. I want to thank a few people, Will Sabransky, Christian Brettrager, Clint Cottrell Jr, Sean Moran and importantly, my folks. Though they cannot see this, i am very very BLESSED to have my mom and grandfather on this planet, if they were not here giving me guidance and advice, i would not be the person i am today. As i said on Thursday night, i am a very very happy soul. :-)
  18. I'm such a happy soul right now.
  19. I'm on some Boeing's tomorrow to the second home (SF/Berkeley). No RJ's for a change.
  20. The new Star Tours in 3D is badass!!!!
  21. Looking forward to Disneyland and California Adventure with my old friend Clint Cottrell Jr this coming Saturday! First time since 2004 since ive been to Disneyland and it'll be my first visit to California Adventure!
  22. Will be yet again another sad end to an US Legacy carriers past - "On the last day of November, Continental Flight 86 will arrive in Newark from Shanghai. When the crew accepts their clearance to the gate, it will mark the last time we utter “Continental” on our radios. While we will experience mixed emotions with the retirement of our proud call sign, our brand and our heritage lives on. The Air Carrier Certificate employed by legacy United Airlines (UALA011A) will cease to operate at 0600 C...
  23. For a change... Thanksgiving has been quite good to me. Perhaps a sign of things to come ahead in life for me. :-)
  24. Johnny Knoxville from MTV's "Jackass" was sitting behind me here in the SC.
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