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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. "Sometimes, when things take longer than you thought they would, it's just a gentle reminder from your greater self , that you have more time than you thought, and that there's a journey to enjoy." - A quote i have gotten from some soul along the road of life that we all try to enjoy somehow.
  2. If there is any one single thing on thence planet that I could teach to someone is, just be yourself. Go out and live a life that only makes you happy to be who and what you are. Go and see places, and experience things you want to see, not what others say you should do. You perhaps only have one chance to be on this planet, live it now or the things you wanted to do, will perhaps never be possible again.
  3. Great start to this weekend so far. Need to come here more often. Not only to see the city, but to see the people I love near and dear to my heart. Back west in the am.
  4. I don't know where I'll end up down the road of life, but I know that the times that I have had, and the times I will experience soon will change my life in some way, shape, or form. I know I'm blessed with some of the most amazing souls to grace this harsh planet of ours. Here's to life, enjoy it one day at a time with the people you love.
  5. And that my friends, is October baseball for ya. I don't think it'll be this amazing again for a while.
  6. If that isn't October baseball, I don't what is.
  7. Do i know whats around the corner when it comes to life? Do you know? Does anyone know? Of course not. Thats what life is all about. You take things as they come to you, or brought to you. Live and love life here and now. Let the mind wander when needed to refresh and renew thoughts. Keep the group of people you love the most very close when they can be needed in an instant for advice and guidance. In the end however, whatever happens, you can only control so much in terms of living life. You...
  8. The next chapter in my life should've started later this week, but alas, it is not. While slightly down about it, things just happen for a reason in life. Some things you do have control, other aspects you dont. One must however keep the positive sides of life relatively close to you. Friends, family, keepsakes. Because one might never know when you might lose them, or they lose you without warning. One simply has to realize that the book of life is and never will be under your control. One a...
  9. The past few weeks... simple, yet, amazing times and happiness have been going on in my life. I dont think its done yet. T-minus 90 days till the next chapter of my life begins.
  10. To the masses whove updated to iOS5, my imessage ID is [email protected] if you care to add.
  11. One of the most epic trips i have done this year has come to a quiet closure. I dont think i will be forgetting this past week for a while.. Peace and love.
  12. Today has been one of those days where I meet new and amazing people, yet I still cherish the time with my old friends. And this weekend isn't over. This whole week has made me appreciate what life is for me and how I attempt to live it every minute and day I have on this planet. :-) The people that bring me the said joy in my life know who thy are and I thank each and every one of them for it.
  13. For my Delta friends. Not a bad place at all.
  14. The news feed has returned to its old thing once again. It appears to be a staggered roll-out. Look for it soon.
  15. Thanks Delta for having low-mileage awards 5 days out from departure date to the destinations i need to go to!
  16. A stellar weekend up here in the bay will end tomorrow. To be perfectly honest, i really don't feel like traveling anywhere else but here for the rest of the year. More and more it becomes home. And each time i come up, really good things happen that just puts a smile on my face and make me laugh out loud straight from my heart and soul. Even with all of its blemishes lately, commuting up and down the state makes me proud to be a Californian, we a class of people all our own.
  17. SKW4712 and SKW4597...
  18. Was able to get the new FB profile page... i'm actually impressed with it. Just not the new newsfeed.. go back to the original...
  19. Finally... the commute to the Bay will happen tomorrow. SKW4712 to LAX, 4hr layover, followed by SKW4597 to SFO. After that... what i do up there will just be an open book, anything and everything could happen during a usual visit for me up there. All i care is, i'm just going to my second home and seeing the wonderful people in my life that live up there. :-)
  20. Though the events of today of a radical change for a certain population group in this country was long, long overdue, let us not forget that there is still hatred in this country for the people who just want to be themselves, serving their country, openly and freely. They, in public life too can be ridiculed and bullied until they cant handle it anymore, because some unfortunately don't realize that there is HELP for them to get through life. If anyone outside of my friends gets this, and is...
  21. One of the best LA trips I've had so far in a long long time. Another thing I know is, I have some of the most amazing friends on this planet and I am blessed to be around them every single minute of my life. I hope the trip up to the Bay next week will be on par with this weekend. :-)
  22. Back to LA... driving this time however.
  23. The commute to the Bay, my second home, returns on Friday! Looking forward to just enjoying good food, good friends, and wonderful wonderful times! :-)
  24. Today was one of those days that you realized how blessed you are to have the people that surround you with love, friendship, and simple joy. You also meet new friends that also give you that same gratitude and feeling. Its also a day of remembering how far a life has come in a decade and where it will go in the next decade and beyond. What sort of networking and friendships are around the corner. All i know is, that im along for the ride, just enjoying it to its fullest. :-)
  25. LA tonight, Yankees-Angels tomorrow, back to the second home in a week! :-)
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