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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Whoops. Air Canada 624 runoff at Halifax tonight. From the Air Canada Twitter, 16 passengers taken to the hospital.
  2. Will be yet again another sad end to an US Legacy carriers past - "On the last day of November, Continental Flight 86 will arrive in Newark from Shanghai. When the crew accepts their clearance to the gate, it will mark the last time we utter “Continental” on our radios. While we will experience mixed emotions with the retirement of our proud call sign, our brand and our heritage lives on. The Air Carrier Certificate employed by legacy United Airlines (UALA011A) will cease to operate at 0600 C...
  3. Will's birthday dinner!!!
  4. With some family for a day or so. :-)
  5. Woot. Have always loved the aesthetic looks of the old tower. :)
  6. Yes. THIS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!! The original is back!!! #FlyDeltaJets
  7. You are only given a single chance at life, if there is one single thing one should do, you should treasure it with all of your heart and soul, and encompass all the special people within it. If you have goals, they will take time to be reached. If you need to reveal aspects about you, take your time on how to find who you REALLY are. Don't let people or souls steer the course of your life, rather, take their advice under great consideration, and ALWAYS go your own way down the path. To a...
  8. You dont need to have everything you want in this world to feel happy and at peace. What you need are the things you cherish the most. A soulmate, family, friends. The people you think the world of, the ones you want to spend time with and stay in contact for the rest of your life if you can. And there could also be a few sentimental things that aren't of monetary value to most. But are however priceless in your mind as they bring back such wonderful memories in an instant. But in the end, wh...
  9. You know those kind souls that one has in their lives? The ones you talk to everyday? Those that put a smile on your face every time you see them? Share almost everything with each other? Remind them in return each and every waking moment how much you care about THEM. Love and caring isnt a one way affair. Its mutual. In return, you get some joy and happiness in ones life for the rest of your life. :-)
  10. You know, i've been having this act lately of walking into someones life, and providing advice and comfort that somehow puts a smile on their face and lets them know everything on this planet will be alright. You have the right people around you to make you laugh, put your mind on something happy for a brief moment before what is sometimes a harsh reality sets back in. Just remember, you are never alone on this planet. You always have people looking out for you in many ways and forms. Just re...
  11. You're on the close friends list if you receive this status. The past week, i cant thank most of you guys that are on here for lifting my spirits during what has been a hard, and challenging 9 months or so in my life. To be able to show emotion with all of you out in the open is something i dont do very often, if ever. Out of fear mostly because sometimes if i let out emotion, it hurts... a lot. To look around at the souls i saw in Minneapolis Saturday night while we all either sat or stood...
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