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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. You're on the close friends list if you receive this status. The past week, i cant thank most of you guys that are on here for lifting my spirits during what has been a hard, and challenging 9 months or so in my life. To be able to show emotion with all of you out in the open is something i dont do very often, if ever. Out of fear mostly because sometimes if i let out emotion, it hurts... a lot. To look around at the souls i saw in Minneapolis Saturday night while we all either sat or stood...
  2. The real deal.
  3. Looking forward to Disneyland and California Adventure with my old friend Clint Cottrell Jr this coming Saturday! First time since 2004 since ive been to Disneyland and it'll be my first visit to California Adventure!
  4. Thanks to those who've posted a Birthday Wish on my wall so far!!! :-)
  5. The new Star Tours in 3D is badass!!!!
  6. Remind yourself daily that it isn't the materialistic things in life that make you happy. Its the people you surround yourself with on a daily basis. They might not be close by physically, but they are either a phone call or message away from you. The greatest gift anyone could have on this planet i believe is friendship. You shouldn't be going along in life alone without people you truly love with all your heart and soul.
  7. I'm going to go have an intense conversation with my pillow now..
  8. This was so good last year, it needed to be shared again this year.
  9. Fun Saturday evening!!
  10. Another state added to the list.
  11. Off to the Bay in the morning for the weekend.. United this time instead of driving up. Driving home however..
  12. I'm on some Boeing's tomorrow to the second home (SF/Berkeley). No RJ's for a change.
  13. Guess the vote of the people regarding the Same Sex Marriage ban slated for this fall isn't needed now. :-)
  14. Lord. Whats with all the basketball news people? Its Baseball Season!!!!
  15. I'm such a happy soul right now.
  16. As I sit here at a bar I've never been to before here in Salem, I'm once again reminded of the blessings I have been given so far in my life. The friends I have, the priveladges that have been bestowed upon me (such as being able to come up to Oregon on a whim). And, first and foremost, being able to walk and explore on this planet every single day. One must never forget that the way you live your life is your own choice. Nobody else's. Just live life to its fullest and enjoy it while you can.
  17. For my avgeek friends - That moment in the morning when you type in an airport code to a friend, and your iPhone autocorrects it to RNP. In your mind you go, holy crap! My iPhone is becoming as much of a plane geek as me!
  18. Been a fantastic 4 days or so for me. I want to thank a few people, Will Sabransky, Christian Brettrager, Clint Cottrell Jr, Sean Moran and importantly, my folks. Though they cannot see this, i am very very BLESSED to have my mom and grandfather on this planet, if they were not here giving me guidance and advice, i would not be the person i am today. As i said on Thursday night, i am a very very happy soul. :-)
  19. Long night and little sleep driving an amazing soul to his plane hes working today in Seattle from his house 200 miles away. No big deal. Halfway to Salem now on the return trip! And that soul, you know who you are. :)
  20. The drive homeward begins.... NOW!
  21. I forgot to mention. These are the 2 VIP's being transported back to Morristown, TN.
  22. jetBlue 90 SAN-JFK just flew over my house about 5 mins ago at 7,000 with its gear down heading west off of the POGGI SID. N746JB/NY Jets bird. Diverting to Long Beach at the moment. More info when i get it.
  23. Life is beautiful. Always treat it as such.
  24. I don't know why, but I'm more ecstatic over the ban on Same Sex marriage being struck down today in Oregon. More so than when Prop 8 was struck down here in California. Just quite content and happy right now. :-) #oregonpride
  25. Thanks eBay for the free half an hour of wifi in the skies!
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