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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. C90 Fire Update 2232Z: National Program and Ground Stops have been lifted. Things are still slow going but getting there. A report that i have says 400 cancellations have occurred due to this incident so far.
  2. Chicagoland friends!!!! Just a general announcement. 3 or 4 of you know im already coming to town. But i will be in town from the 27th on for a few days, departure date is still yet to be determined. So let me know if you want to grab lunch, coffee, and so on.
  3. City of Angels this evening for some dinner and what not...
  4. Congrats to all the friends who passed their ATP written exam today!
  5. Cuatrõ Aguas por favor! Maś Chips por favor! ;-)
  6. Curve balls regarding life sometimes need to be caught to see the real reason why it was thrown at you in the first place. The question though is, when do you know when to catch the right one, rather, the correct one, at the right time?
  7. DAL2157 to SEA Cxld due to an engine computer malfunction. Relisted on DAL1194 to PDX.
  8. Day 2 of #5daysofpositive. 4. To have a mother and grandfather who give me unwavering love and support in my life is a wonderful thing to have. 5. I'm proud of the fact that i somehow, without really doing it, lost 10 lbs over a certain period over the last couple months. 90lbs to go before next September! Hint: Zach & Jen. ;-) 6. If you happen to look back upon your past in life and see how far youve grown up, over come anxiety, and fear like i do from time to time. I feel blessed with h...
  9. Day 3 of #5daysofpositive 7. The smile one puts out in the world can touch so many lives that can be around you. 8. A hug in a time of need is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It is then, you know you are loved by such amazing and caring people. 9. If such simple and generic things put such positive feelings inside you, you know you have a special soul. Live. Love. Laugh. Smile. :-)
  10. Day 4 of #5daysofpositive. 10. When challenges present themselves in front of you on the occasions they do, take them head on. The rewards in the end can be oh so worthwhile. 11. The traveling we all do is a privilege that we should never take for granted. For there are those on this planet who have never seen what life is like above the terra firma all of us walk on every day. 12. Never forget about your roots, your upbringing. Always say a kind and loving word everyday to the parents th...
  11. Day 5 of #5daysofpositive. 13. One must realize that there will be enough time in the world to do what you want with your life. Other souls who say otherwise are wrong. 14. The way you present yourself in the eye of the rest of the world is something important. Take time to look nice, and be yourself. You could be rewarded with opportunities you couldn't imagine before. 15. You should take a look at all the caring people, friends, and souls you have on this world. And be ever so grateful t...
  12. Delta will be leasing the 88 717's currently owned by Southwest Airlines subsidiary AirTran. Details and a PR forthwith. The final chapter of the Long Beach plant will still live on. :-)
  13. Digging the new HomeKit and iMessage features so far.. And revised AppStore? Sure! #WWDC
  14. Dinner and catching up.
  15. Dinner in Lincoln. Almost to Sterling!
  16. Dinner with a side of shenanigans!
  17. Dinner!!!! :-)
  18. Dinner. And catching up. :-)
  19. Dinner. Mmmm. Be jealous.
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