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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Just one of those nights where im thinking about how blessed i am to have the right people in my life. The ones where i can share a laugh with, share travels with, etc. Where they came into my life at the right time. Have stayed at my side at my time of need over the years. I'm just a happy, and very lucky soul. :-)
  2. Sipping on baileys, watching the stars outside the window seat I have here in first class on a 737-800 at FL360. Realizing Christmas is only a week away. Life is just so pleasant and jovial right now.
  3. Home... safe and sound. Time to sleep for a bit. Awesome 2 days as usual just up the coast. :-)
  4. I really dont want to leave Oregon... Thank god its not far away from home.
  5. Lunch with some of the best friends. :-)
  6. Some Snapseed edited HDR shots from Fridays flight over LAX on the Mini Route and SFRA. Thanks for the ride again Scott!!! :-)
  7. Blessings come in such varying forms. Just remember to hold onto them as tight as life itself. They are such a precious commodity in what can be described as a harsh world by some that we live life on at this very moment.
  8. From an unnamed source regarding the ZAU fire. "Disgruntled contracted employee was mad at possible transfer to... Hawaii. Wrapped gas laden rags around the comm lines and set them ablaze. Then proceeded to shoot himself." Truth stranger than fiction this time. And why would anyone be pissed about being transferred to Hawaii? I know some hate it and all, just being on the islands. But still...
  9. While all of you enjoy and/or bicker about the BCS championship game, i'm waiting patiently for Opening Day in 84 days thank you very much!
  10. Early dinner.
  11. I keep seeing a lot of Minnesota license plates since I've gotten home.. Perhaps an odd reminder how awesome of a place it is for me. :-)
  12. Dinner with a side of shenanigans!
  13. Robin Williams' apparent suicide should be a reminder to make sure the people you love aren't hurting inside and not want to hurt themselves in a horrible way. As someone who attempted suicide many times growing up, the struggle of severe depression and anxiety drove me to those points many many times. But to overcome it all doesn't have to be a battle that you fight alone. Somehow through all the haze of sorrow, you find that you have people that love you more than you could possibly imagin...
  14. Final overnight before Morristown.
  15. 2 more days until Justin Moreau makes a return appearance to the West Coast, and Nathan Moreau makes his introductory trip out to this part of the country.
  16. Its weird, i usually have something thoughtful and meaningful to say around this time of year. Give me another week perhaps. Will say the holidays for me went better than in previous years. That's all i could really ask for more than presents.
  17. LAX bound for AI2014 (Airliners International). #avgeek central today.
  18. The thought for the day, we really dont get enough thunderstorms in these parts. God the smell of fresh rain on a warm summer morning or evening is so intoxicating.
  19. Delta will be leasing the 88 717's currently owned by Southwest Airlines subsidiary AirTran. Details and a PR forthwith. The final chapter of the Long Beach plant will still live on. :-)
  20. Just gonna put an advanced notice up that when i head up for Oregon on Monday the 28th, im gonna go "ATC ZERO", "Off the Grid", whatever you want to call it for a couple weeks. Just need some time away from social media and its antics. If you need me, those that know, do know how to reach me.
  21. Happy Mothers Day to one of the nuttiest, creative, loving, and most awesome mothers i know on this planet. A belated Happy Birthday as well to her. :-)
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