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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. KINGS!!!!!! :-D THE CUP COMES TO LA!!!!!
  2. Attention please. Justin and Nathan Moreau have arrived in Southern California. That is all.
  3. The people that surround me daily with such kindness are people that will be friends and soulmates for the rest of my life and beyond. They know me deep down inside, and i know them the same way. And i think they know who they are. I surely do.
  4. Just an absolutely stellar evening with OLD OLD friends. Day 2 comes in the morning, looking forward to what it holds.
  5. Maś chips. And Dos Aguas por favor! Been a while.
  6. Good, no, AMAZING evening with a good friend by the name of Sean Moran, having some amazing food from Lomo Arigato, and enjoying the music of the one and only Dan Wilcox from KCRW. Fridays in Southern California cant get any better. :-)
  7. Going "radar contact lost" for a couple days starting tomorrow..
  8. Dinner. And catching up. :-)
  9. If you havent gotten on Google+, let me know. I still have plenty of invites.
  10. "Why do people love aviation? My reasoning is because flying gives one a sense of freedom. A sense of passion that cannot be received from anything else. Flying in itself is a great adventure that not one person my understand until he takes off into the skies on his own. Its just you and the airplane. On a sunny and clear or (severe clear) as we like to call it, you can see for miles and miles. The sights that you get to see match or top anything you could ever imagine to see at ground level....
  11. Going "ATC ZERO". Talk to ya all in a couple days.
  12. Usually here at this time of day heading off on an adventure... Not so this time. A pick up instead.
  13. San Francisco, this weekend? Sure! Why not!
  14. Back in civilization. Commuting home on United 498. It's been a pretty awesome couple of days up in Lake Tahoe.
  15. I cant believe im saying this, but im starting to like the CRJ.. SKW4519 SAN-LAX.
  16. Tonight was a night that i thought would never happen. If you'd ask me a month and a half ago that I would let a certain someone come back into my life, I would've said no. Tonight was a culmination of all sorts of events that just let to a long awaited hug, laughter, dinner, drinks, and a pool game or two. I really don't know what else to say about my feelings other than that a void in my life has been filled again. And that possibly is the most important Christmas present I could've receive...
  17. To hell with stomach bugs. That is all.
  18. Sorry to bombard all of your guys' newsfeeds with my #selfie's. Just doing some housecleaning!
  19. I am just reminded of the power of souls on this planet. The wonderful, amazing power of them. You never know what might fall down onto your lap when it comes to life. But to have souls at your side to guide and sometimes lead the way when you cant, is an amazing feeling. :-)
  20. We now return to regularly scheduled Baseball Facebook status programming. #thankgod
  21. The footage from the original screen grabs of the TransAsia ATR crash.
  22. Breakfast time!
  23. A couple of RJ's and a Cessna 172 are the planes that i will be flying this weekend. Not too shabby.
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