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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. To those who are rooting for both the Giants and Patriots, congratulations. But as for myself, when do pitchers and catchers report for spring training again? Can't wait for Baseball! :-D
  2. The past 3 weeks of this month have reminded me of who my closest friends are on this planet, and the fact that through whatever life takes us, there is that bond of friendship that will always last between us. I feel especially proud of some of my younger friends who have graduated high school and are now moving onto their next chapters in life. I'm proud to be somewhat of a guide for them through life's challenges and so on. I've said this before and i'll say it again.. You only get this li...
  3. SAN-LAX-SFO Delta/SkyWest in the AM. CRJ9's. Dont need to ask for anything more really. :-) Cessna trip with Charlie Baggett, Lucas Dziesinski, Tucker Lambert, and James Hewlett on Sunday. :-)
  4. Tomorrow between 2:30pm and 5:30pm, ill be helping out KCRW's Winter Pledge Drive by answering phones! If you live locally in Southern California or around the world, please take a moment over the next 9 days to make a donation of any amount to this wonderful radio station that is known all around this world!
  5. 2 Birthdays of equal importance are happening today! Thankfully, i'll be able to attend both! :-D To LA i go..
  6. This came from an acquaintance of mine. "When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want? ... Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame? Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car? Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement? Of course not. What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn't they matter most now?" —Max Lucado in "A Love Worth Giving"
  7. National Airspace System is groundstopped except for ZLA, ZSE, and ZOA due to a fire at the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City. -- Thanks Ed McCoy.
  8. Me. The gene will never leave my body. Soon it will be time for me to leave this continent and explore the rest of the world on a frequent basis. All the while realizing where my home and roots are. And i can always fall back upon them.
  9. Flying around NorCal in a Cessna or two. Pictures will be forthcoming during the day.
  10. One sometimes wonders if whether ones purpose on this planet is to be a companion with someone else or just have flings that just come along, or perhaps just have 4 or 5 amazing souls surround you with love and gratitude. The mystery's of life that i ponder about sometimes give me anxiety, yet also on the flip side give me hope. All one can do in the end is just make a decision that is your own when it comes to who you want and what you want out of life. Not what others say or want. Some may...
  11. Busy Anniversary and National Train Day celebrations!!! Awesome turnout. :-)
  12. SKW4822 to LAX. First class.
  13. Portland and Seattle with a midwestern touch? This weekend? Hell yeah im doin that!
  14. 11.. no... 10 days til i am in the presence of some of the greatest souls i know on this planet. :-)
  15. Amazing dinner with some truly amazing friends. :-)
  16. "Until you have the inner discipline that brings calmness of mind, external facilities and conditions will never bring the joy and happiness you seek. On the other hand, if you possess this inner quality, calmness of mind, a degree of stability within, even if you lack the various external factors that you would normally require to be happy, it will still be possible to live a happy and joyful life." - Dalai Lama
  17. BART Strike is over as of 4am tomorrow morning...
  18. Dive bar, suburban style.
  19. Tucker Lambert Lucas Dziesinski Gene Cao, i will be back up this Saturday for 12 hours if you have nothing to do. Maius Wong, youre probably gonna be up in YVR still.
  20. Surprise Matt! :-) Nice to fly with my brother again after a 3 year absence. Also nice to be back in the Twin Cities for a weekend.
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