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Posts posted by Hickman360

  1. 3 hours ago, DetroitTVNews said:

    The irony of that, I believe WGCL has also been affected by the Dish-Metedith dispute. This may mean satellite customers in the Atlanta market may be without CBS in any form.


    Reminds me of what Dish customers in the Traverse City market in Michigan had to deal with at one point in 2015. They were left with only CMUPT (PBS) on Dish as the respective owners of 9&10/WFQX and 7&9/29&8 were both in the midst of disputes with Dish.

    Yep I believe all satellites subscribers in the Atlanta market currently do not have WGCL on their lineup because of the Dish/Meredith dispute and the AT&T-DirecTV/CBS dispute 

  2. I have DirecTV Now and CBS must really be playing hardball because not only did they pull WUPA here in Atlanta they also yanked WGCL (which isn’t even owned by CBS Corporation!) off too Even though on AT&T/DirecTV website it says CBS here in Atlanta would not be affected 


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