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Status Updates posted by cbs2newengland

  1. Jon Stewart is a low life comedian who mocks journalists who never wrote a real hard hitting story in his life!
  2. I'm out again, I can't take people throwing eggs because I see things differently - leaving again to go onto competing sites ( one I manage.) Sorry folks TVNT is so 2005.
  3. I'd rather be dead than being alive getting assaulted by other users on the Internet simply expressing my opinion or having a title of a thread change for "quality" purposes. Jesus do we have rights in the US? #livefreeordie. See my handle on competing sites. Good Day!
  4. Must bite my tongue. I have to not talk about WFXT anymore. Too much of a touchy topic for this guy.
  5. Take Care of Business Pats, please swoop and take the Trophy away from the defending champs!
  6. off for a week. be back after December.
  7. Leaving TVNT. Apparently being passionite and opinonatied is shunned upon. If you like me you can PM me and follow my other portals. Bye
  8. I feel so bad for the Patriots. The spygate and deflate gate should be a textbook lesson for sports journalism. Oh wait, there isn't a major study on that? Damn!
  9. excuse me while I drug myself to death...
  10. Shoot the messenger, maybe I'll shoot myself!
  11. Excuse me while I shoot myself -litteraly. And while I'm at it, maybe @[1:@Weeters] should wipe my account clean like I never existed.
  12. So want to do a mock newscast on the blizzard, but all the assets are stored on a server shutdown from a possible outage. Too complicated to restart today.
  13. I feel like I can't have a minority opinion without being treated in certain unspecified ways...
  14. I'm back, just not as often.
  15. thinking the ISP is blocking me from TVNT, good bye for now???
  16. Massive internet problems plauging CBS2NE. Please standby and he'll return once the problem gets rectified.
  17. Lost internet connectivity, on a backup service - will try to catch up with replies sooner than later. *bars and tone* for now
  18. I've decided to leave TVNT for a number of reasons. I didn't think I be around for so long and post over 500 comments. I think I registered because I wanted to post 2 cents on I believe the subject of the CBS O&Os. Anyways, I'll see you when I see you kinda thing. If you are so interested to follow me elsewhere, I'll put links to the members only part of my profile. Bye
  19. Life isn't in my way like the last few day and the Internet should be fixed so I can return to catching it!
  20. CBS2NE is back, just on a seldom basis.
  21. CBS2NE is back, just on very *seldom* basis...
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