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Status Updates posted by EthanR

  1. New channel branding looks like something from Bassett's allsorts <a href="https://t.co/xBNUKbFXhU" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://t.co/xBNUKbFXhU</a>
  2. New video coming this Sunday! Until then check out my latest one! <a href="http://t.co/s9AEYDvUSY" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://t.co/s9AEYDvUSY</a>
  3. New video in just over an hour <a href="http://t.co/7YQKJC3YYe" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://t.co/7YQKJC3YYe</a>
  4. New video later! And it's a longer one than usual... while you're waiting, why not check out my last one? <a href="http://t.co/s9AEYDvUSY" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://t.co/s9AEYDvUSY</a>
  5. NEW VIDEO SUNDAY, but have you seen last weeks? <a href="http://t.co/8x1aWVUHFu" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://t.co/8x1aWVUHFu</a>
  6. New video tomorrow! In the mean time why not check out <a href="http://t.co/7YQKJC3YYe" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://t.co/7YQKJC3YYe</a> for any video you haven't watched ;)
  7. New video tonight Just need to film, edit and upload
  8. NEW VIDEO!! 17 QUESTIONS TAG || SHOW IT SOME LOVE - LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE :) <a href="http://t.co/NCjYxZcDyv" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://t.co/NCjYxZcDyv</a>
  9. NEW VIDEO!! IT'S SUMMER! Like, Comment, Sunscbribe (See what i did there?) & Share :) Means a lot :D <a href="http://t.co/RcQSfhy5Gs" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://t.co/RcQSfhy5Gs</a>
  10. New view on Sunday, but in the mean time why don't you watch this one from my Graduation? <a href="https://t.co/yfMih3AZpR" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://t.co/yfMih3AZpR</a>
  11. Nice once school... Don't bother fixing your heating over the weekend!
  12. Nice sausage sarnie for tea
  13. Nice to walk into half a dead rabbit in the living room!
  14. Night Sky <a href="https://t.co/AhETDzzqmg" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://t.co/AhETDzzqmg</a>
  15. No one should be treated like that... not even if they had committed a crime, WHICH THEY HADN'T
  17. Not gonna be able to film for tonight, will do for sure for tomorrow though
  18. Not much better than dog walks with your music on full blast
  19. Not sure im meant to be pissing my self from laughter in economics
  20. Not sure that last tweet made an sense
  21. Nothing makes me smile more than the support i get from the YouTube community... Id never give this up <a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23Deep" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">#Deep</a>
  22. Now back home for a nervous wait till o find out tomorrow if I've passed or not
  23. Now this is what you call a video! Amazing new video by JacksGap <a href="https://t.co/A3nfV0HaXs" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">https://t.co/A3nfV0HaXs</a>
  24. Odds on the baby being called Alice Diana or Diana Alice <a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23RoyalBaby" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">#RoyalBaby</a>
  25. Off shopping with mum... Its only for food though
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