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Posts posted by mrschimpf

  1. The Good Karma-owned radio side of WTMJ, WKTI and WGKB is moving out after today.


    It's amazing how much empty space involving studios and offices the merger with Scripps left behind when you also consider the Journal Sentinel moved out of 4th & State after being Gannetted, and they already had an entire building which used to have the Sentinel pretty much emptied before then.


    Honestly I can see WTMJ (not counting WPXE as that's really just an IPTV rack) do what WDJT and WVTV already did and eventually relocate into a more appropriate and existing building they can mold the space into over remodeling Radio City, even with all that space now vacant.



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  2. 13 hours ago, CalItalian2 said:

    E! News is reporting Mester may be exploring legal options against KTLA. 

    Dude...just move on before your only options to be on TV are The Balancing Act or a 'you might be entitled to compensation' lawyer infomercial for a rice cooker recall. You steamrolled the prompter and had to know what the consequences would be, and all of this could've been on a Facebook group locked to the bosses.

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  3. 8 hours ago, VHSgoodiesWA said:

    I don't watch televangelist TV. Joel Osteen doesn't need another 5 or 10 new affiliates for his megachurch sermons. HOWEVER...I believe that if a local church wants to stream their services on YT or Facebook for those who can't be there, think about the older audience who are in nursing homes/etc. who also can't make it. Thus, make it available for a 9AM Sun slot on a local TV station as well. In TX and a lot of southern states, there's at least 1-2 churches minimum that sell time on local TV. Here in eastern WA, not so much.

    I didn't mean to be so critical of church programming in my original post; I do agree that televised services and Mass for Shut Ins like what's done in the northeast and reasonable asks for donations...I never have an issue with that. But I just loathe the national tele-preachers who push multiple products and giving pleas onto their viewers. And for Osteen, who literally bookends his shows with Lifelock/Norton ads, nobody needs that.

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  4. It doesn't really shock me that somehow Sinclair would buy a show about Hot Wheels for their kids block...and then forget to keep the Hot Wheels commercials out of the Hot Wheels show!


    And this isn't like those cases with syndicators and Kids WB where it was mostly inadvertent and good faith just forgot to get the ad out, before broadcast automation let you see an entire log for a show. Sinclair was the producer and distributor and 100% screwed up here.

    This also ensnared Nexstar, but again, they have the logs and could've easily blocked them out, but just didn't. It's no wonder kid's broadcast TV doesn't go anywhere near toy franchises any longer.

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  5. 2 hours ago, iron_lion said:

    So what happens when the news bubble bursts? Sitcom reruns and game shows on big three stations?

    Even more sludge like The Balancing Act/Daily Flash, or worse, Copeland, Robertson and Joyce Meyer and their ilk get higher-profile timeslots. But hopefully more stuff like the 'Very Local' preview hour Hearst aired on their stations in the week between Ellen's end and Jennifer Hudson's launch; it was actually pretty good content


    On another note, way too late, Scripps is finally adding much more prominent 'these people pay to be on TV' disclaimers to their advertorial shows at the start in actually readable text rather than shoved onto the end in mice type.

  6. If those 1/2 million were a majority 54+, then they've done their job in making the audience younger, or at least made the 70+'s flee the timeslot.


    Plus it's a soap opera site so of course they're going to be giddy about it losing women; NBC likely wants a 50/50 mix.

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  7. 6 hours ago, DJonNews said:

    Well, it took them long enough, but NewsNation is indeed airing the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II like the other news outlets instead of doing what they always do when it comes to huge breaking news (miss it habitually, which I honestly was expecting them to do since it's been made clear up until now that they couldn't do anything right).

    They probably had to give the Campmeeting guy and Joseph Prince make-goods though; I wouldn't be shocked if they got higher ratings at 5am than the primetime lineup does on a dead news day.


    But hiring scandal-plagued anchors and covering non-newsworthy stories looks really bad when you have a station afflicted by multiple issues/scandals already as-is end up like this last night:



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  8. 19 minutes ago, TheNewsTV said:

    Promotions on WBFS don't mention MyNet33 anymore, it just has their old logo 33. Looks like they broke up so much in Boston with Miami, what will CBS/Paramount do with it?

    I hope something; CBS does so little regarding WSBK you've had to get very exact on Google to find a TV schedule for the TV station, not the World SuperBike circuit, or for WBFS, to avoid links about a Wii ROM file format.


    🤭 Still, better that filler programming than Chicago/Dateline reruns on MNTV competing against Chicago/Dateline reruns in syndication/cable/Ion/True Crime Network.

    • Haha 2
  9. 28 minutes ago, atlnews2 said:

    I don’t see how this could pass regulatory approval 

    The Paramount Decree is no longer in effect, so on that end it would have to depend on the SEC regarding the film studios. That's why they'd test the waters with this merger attempt.


    For the TV side, a lot of channels would be cut by Comcast. Discovery, TLC, HGTV, Food, USA, ID, Bravo, TBS and TNT are safe no matter what, but by then Oxygen will have completed its OTA move and networks like Discovery Life, Travel, Discovery Family (why WBD didn't shut this down on day one makes no sense), Animal Planet, TruTV and Destination America and their ilk will be gone. Universal Kids is pretty much a YouTube playlist on autopilot running out the string at this point.

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  10. 30 minutes ago, CircleSeven said:

    They need to fix that scoreclock. You can barely see the lighter font on that light gray background.


    It's a stadium scoreboard shot (the venue is the former home of the Taxas Rangers, which doesn't have football-specific boards despite their football conversion), so there's not much they can do about it.

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  11. 59 minutes ago, jase said:


    I could see them getting rid of 'Chicago' because it's not really needed. As Marion mentioned in her video, there are other elements representing the city, lake and state.  Plus, it doesn't light up or change color it seems.

    It feels like it's only there 'just in case' they can't do a national newscast at 30 Rock or Universal City so they needed to throw that on there just in case someone didn't know the set was in Chicago (which can be noted vocally, onscreen or in the background). Totally feels like some boardroom compromise made to get the light-up desk approved by corporate.


    And ugggh, I remember the weird period in the late aughts and early teens where NBC tried to turn their local websites into Flash-heavy 'everything local' with that rude LOCALS ONLY. slogan and the news buried deep down (and given 'casual' prose) for a failed attempt at 'cool and with it!' blogging instead. And of course, pre-Facebook reactions and hideous logos like the infamous PacMan one they used for Chicago.



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  12. Looks like Gray is already building a strong farm team for the Meredith stations; meteorologist Cruz Medina departed WBAY over the Labor Day weekend and is moving to WSMV in Nashville. 😄 I watched him on WBAY over the last two years and he has a bright future ahead for sure!



  13. JHud and Sherri...great shows, thank goodness. Hopefully they'll move on from 'another Wendy' talk real fast, because they're none of that.


    The complete dud for sure this year is iCrime, which I would call yet another 'crime porn' show. I've seen a few of these internationally where there's some host (either a female host being put on contract burn-off duty, or a military-looking guy with no sense of humor who has so much testosterone and muscle in him he's banned from even semi-pro pickleball) running down whatever's been submitted to their network, or from the "new crime + country we're in + caught on camera" YouTube search, and it's nothing but an hour of dread and terror with no levity to be found and it makes you want to build a bunker and hide from the world. If you need to die inside, look up an episode of C4 en alerta.


    This is exactly like that, and I don't know why they needed Elizabeth Vargas; they could literally pay a stripper cop to present this on his off-hours and there's no difference. It's just crime after crime after crime filled with terrible phone or security cameras, lots of bleeping and blurring, a bunch of has-been 'experts' who add nothing except crime tips you learned from SafetyPup in 1988, and occasional victim interviews. It's pretty much yet another Scott Sternberg Production done on the cheap which only exists to scare people and keep MyNet affiliates on the air for two hours a day. Plus for some reason the host segments are 'filmized', when it looks like they were filmed on a TracFone Android, and I've seen better greenscreening on Zoom calls.


    Also God, watching Elizabeth Vargas go from the ABC anchor desk, to 20/20, then to a failed AMW reboot and now this in four years...her agent not only needs to be fired, but have their license taken away. This show makes the $7 Bellum shows that never paid anybody look network-quality in comparison.


    We still have the Amazon infomercial Ring Nation coming, but at least they plan to have humorous segments and Wanda Sykes as a host. This has none of that to save it.

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  14. The show is so dry it might as well be Early Today. That's fine at 3:30am in the morning when you have no expectations, but not as a mid-day program. I'm all for a basic news rundown show but I didn't need it to be this basic and unchanged from the streaming feed where you can just see the affiliates watching and being like 'you know what? We agree Irma, give us Days back!' and seeing people flip over to a more dynamic GMA3.

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  15. 16 minutes ago, Georgie56 said:

    All of the CW standalone stations have launched the new websites.

    So long, CBSLocal...your long and gasping death made the move of Disney from the Go Network look better planned in comparison. 🪦

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  16. 1 hour ago, H-Town TV Fan said:

    Geeze Louise, NBC is STILL using the OUTDATED 2015 graphics for Notre Dame football coverage in 2022!

    <sportstake>I mean it's an old and outdated graphics package for an old and outdated football team 😉.</sportstake>


    Meanwhile I checked out the HBCUGO broadcast game tonight...I do understand they intend to be going for the entertainment part of the football game, but I think they were having problems tonight; the time, down/distance and everything including the quarter had to be mentioned audibly instead of being in the bug (I don't even know if the triangle accents are for timeouts or merely decorative) and of course, no lines (when there was a score the bar faded out, suggesting they couldn't even do that on the fly!). I hope this is fixed, because even my local high school games on public access will throw in a scoreboard shot in a picture-in-picture if all else fails.



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  17. 3 hours ago, Greggo said:

    I’m not really sure why they insist on running the ET repeat. Just do 2 straight hours of news.

    Whatever CBSMV is called this season must've demanded they carry that second-run (and not after the news replay overnight) is the only thing I can think of and it was out of the station's hands.

    On another note for a show ending tomorrow...anyone working on DailyMailTV must be cursing that they didn't get to end the show with today's news.

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  18. To be fair FNC was showing boring live coverage of a dull border apprehension at the US/Mexico border (aka them doing their job) with a whining pundit about the 'southern border crisis' as the other news channels switched to coverage before the death was announced, so they were doing worse.


    Much worse is BBC America, which had...nothing. Not even a 'important news story, go to BBC World News for more information' ticker.


    And honestly, this was more an international story than the domestic stuff that's NN's forte, so I can't be mad, or disappointed in them. Dan Abrahms is absolutely useless here and they don't have a big international bureau or 'royal expert', and you don't need one of their opinion folks leading coverage.

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  19. 10 minutes ago, nycnewsjunkie said:

    Huw Edwards had been on the air for several hours at this point, and was dressed in a mourning tuxedo throughout. All programming is suspended across the BBC, as per protocol (no doubt the same is true for ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, and Sky).

    CBeebies at least finished their schedule for the night on time (no break-in), with CBBC showing a child-appropriate obit before finishing up their own schedule. Four and Three are indeed suspended, and here's how Radio 1 brought forward the news, lead in by "Eugene" by Arlo Parks:




  20. 8 hours ago, nycnewsjunkie said:

    I checked the program guide 2 weeks ahead out of curiosity, and it checks out. It’s replacing an 11:30pm airing of TMZ Live on WOFL.

    It took me a bit to realize this, but I assume it's staying on a couple weeks because it'll eventually be the slot where a delayed-week run of Sherri will go, so the reruns are just backfill until the archive is built up.

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  21. 1 hour ago, GodfreyGR said:

    A little off from graphics, but holy billboards CCO is marketing the hell out of their 4:00 show. One digital billboard flipped to three different “The 4” billboards in a row. 

    One of the problems was the tail end of the 19-20 and last season of Ellen were pretty much the last thing most viewers wanted to watch, so for many of these stations, they do have to spend the money and say that they have something to watch at 4pm, even if it's a newscast.


    Also The Four is probably there to stay just based on hashtag-ness (#thefouronwccofour or #thefouronfour); if it was The 4 on CBS 39...yeah, that's a temp title.

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