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Posts posted by Williams1402

  1. I live in NJ. Work in NJ. It is a wasted station and has poor production values. I checked it out and it looked very amateurish during the day.


    Well, I don't really think that it should be in areas within New Jersey. I mean it would've been difficult considering some areas of NYC are near New Jersey, but it could be possible if you could get NY1 in NJ.

  2. Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but I've noticed that NY1 is now on Ch. 98 on Optimum here in NY.


    Somebody mentioned that on this thread a while back. Although, it reminds me that Spectrum should have all cable systems get NY1 in every area of New York City.

  3. As much as we drag on Sinclair politics, even they must recognize the program's potential. Unfortunately, the top talents' salaries are what are most likely to cause changes.


    And then they'll get other reporters to replace them... soon enough.

  4. Compared to the current NY1 graphics I like News 12 better in that dept Fios 1 is eh


    To me, NY1's graphics has been the same since 2013. News 12 has been okay from what you've been saying. However, I can't access News 12's coverage because I don't have the channel in my area. Same with FiOS 1, despite having the cable system in my house.

  5. Because with a stupid slogan like "bringing the National News home to your town"...they figure you will be just stupid enough to think they can do a good( or better) job at presenting national news....on the cheap.


    Thus you will sit on your ass all day watching the national news on 12...and eat bon-bons...and buy all that stuff they are advertising.


    It's a simple concept eh?


    It seems simple, if you don’t have cable or don’t have an Internet TV subscription. I’ll rather go watch cable news if I wanted national news, not from a local news station that wouldn’t get everything.

    • Like 1
  6. They have really been cutting back on local news content on News 12. Most of the reporters seem to be gone as well. It's mostly National News headlines. The new promo they have even says "bringing the National News home to your town". Honestly don't blame Drew Scott from retiring and there will probably be more retirements coming. Altice ruined what was once a really decent news operation. And it's quite short-sighted, as News 12 was a major selling point of Optimum. Fios 1 News is doing alot better lately.


    Why would anybody need to watch national news coverage from a local news station, if most of them could already get national news from their cable news channels?

  7. Verizon and TWC sighed a agreement not compete with NY1 in TWC areas


    So... they don't have it anywhere in most of New York City (considering every borough is a TWC area)? Well that sucks. Well, at least News12 would probably become a better alternative that don't have TWC, even though it's not NYC-oriented.

  8. If Staten Island is not an Altice (Cablevision/Optimum) territory, there is no News12 Staten Island. The News12 stations were placed where the old Cablevision had their systems: Long Island, a good portion of NJ, Bronx, Rockland/Westchester and Connecticut. Altice has extensive coverage in NJ, and made deals for Comcast areas in Essex and Middlesex County and TimeWarner/Spectrum in eastern Bergen to carry News12NJ. No deals with Verizon or satellite. Optimum only just added NY1 to their lineup in NJ, and it is no where the quality of News12 plus only reports NYC news, which is not as important as having a NJ based broadcast.


    I'm probably not hoping that Verizon would bring in News12 for their NYC citizens, since the city already has too much local news stations within the area. All of which are covered by all 5 boroughs.

  9. Well at least they have NECN I always wondered if NY1 was bought by Comcast back in 2014 and was merged with WNBC just like NECN was with WBTS


    I don’t think NY1 should be merged with WNBC. NY1 should only be meant as a news channel. Although I wish they had coverage for all cable companies and not just Time Warner Cable and Optimum.

    • Like 4
  10. Not Carried there Comcast serves there most likely they get New England Cable News from Boston


    Oh. Well that would save me time the next time I go to her house. My grandma mostly watches sports and cable news anyway.

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  11. I say Queens and Staten Island get underserved by the local Newscasts NY1 does a great job covering those areas for TV only way to get Queens or Staten Island News besides NY1 is the Staten Island Advance or Queens Tribune


    Well, NY1 treats all boroughs of New York City. So it wouldn’t be like it’s a big deal for anybody outside of Brooklyn and Queens to get News12. Especially when a lot of Staten Islanders still get the Staten Island Advance.

  12. What you mean by this are you talking about those bootleg Analog boxes from the 90s that TWC cracked down and shut down back in 2013 my uncle had one of those


    I mean that not a lot of people that I know had Charter before it had Time Warner Cable. I didn’t mention anything about bootleg cable boxes.


    I think he meant that it could be tri state operation.News 12 is carried on TWC in Brooklyn also


    Yeah, I meant that it was a tri-state operation. However, it doesn’t carry every area of New York City (Staten Island and Queens) and most of upstate New York.

    • Like 1
  13. Actually, the News 12 networks are hyper local. I can speak only for News 12 New Jersey and most of the news in NJ centric. Very little from LI, Bronx, Rockland/Westchester, or CT. They are regional, but not tri state, hyper regional in reality.


    Well, you're right. I'm from Staten Island and I don't even have News12 on my cable package. So it doesn't really cover all of the boroughs in NYC.

    • Like 2
  14. I dont think NYC Franchise for Cable Systems would allow Altice to buy Charter that would mean Manhattan,Queens and Staten Island will be under Altice Thumb or heck the FCC now I recall Trump opposed the AT&T and Direct TV deal done under Obummer(sorry for getting political) during the campaign trail and Trump opposes Time Warner(Former Parent Company)-AT&T Deal as well


    Not a lot of people in Staten Island that I know of really uses Charter (aside from their Spectrum cable boxes). Same for Manhattan and Queens. So it wouldn’t matter for the majority of those boroughs, but it wouldn’t be a good idea for a company like Altice.

  15. Again I have only seen NEWS 12 one time how is the channel like is it like NY1


    I don’t watch News12, but it’s not like NY1 since that channel only broadcasts media to all boroughs of New York City (at least for those who have Time Warner Cable). News12 is more of a tri-state area news station.

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