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Posts posted by jakanz

  1. On 7/15/2022 at 8:29 PM, compubit said:

    Alas, there will probably be less and less available, because, as you’ve noticed, stuff gets taken down all of the time on YouTube (and other hosting services). I’ve had stuff pulled off YouTube as well as a lot I posted on a paid account on Vimeo - all “here today, gone tomorrow”, with no explanation.


    I’ve given up on the commercial services after spending hours upon hours uploading, only to have stuff removed and accounts closed.  I have been uploading to the internet archive, when I have time.




    At least there are still efforts being put into this. I like to archive 1990s to 2000s VHS and DVD videos, especially concerts and music videos directly archived from television and home video sets. Unfortunately, it's likely this archive will never be seen again. It was such an important piece that was lost to time in 2015... and even more unfortunate, I don't think there's a single area online except this forum where I've seen phillyfanvideo with an account.

    With YouTube taking such a large place in the video streaming market, it's unlikely we'll ever see these videos on another platform like Vimeo or Dailymotion, because I mean... who goes on those anyway?

    I would love to see phillyfanvideo make an account on the Internet Archive to get these important television pieces back. Even if it isn't the same, we will still have an archive somewhere that was previously untouchable.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Ntropolis said:

    As I’m aware, all of phillyvideofan’s content is lost media as far as I know. I remember hearing years ago (from them?) that the source tapes were lost/destroyed and original files lost as well. It’s a shame because there were several videos on the channel special to me, in particular some WECT, WWAY & WBTW news clips from the early/mid 90s.


    Sigh... so disappointing to have such a large archive of historically important videos removed with a click. They really need to reinstate phillyvideofan's account. Not only was it the only source of this clip existing, but also the only source of almost every video he uploaded.

  3. I don't know if this is the appropriate forum to post this about, but it's a video I've been trying to obtain for the past three years and hopefully community outreach can help with finding this obscure piece of media.

    This post will mention September 11th from time to time! Sorry if this isn't the right place to talk about it.


    It's from the 9.12.2001 episode of Inside Edition, and it featured home video of 2WTC collapsing that was uploaded by phillyvideofan and seen by maybe a few thousand people before his channel was terminated entirely.

    ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNQFvVOfQCQ - This is the YouTube link associated with the video before the purge. )


    This episode of Inside Edition was uploaded onto phillyvideofan's account, and the home video mentioned earlier was stabilized by a user named Nathan Flach ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqoXyigzURc )

    Currently, this is the only known media available that actually shows that this video once existed, and even once existed on YouTube.

    Given that phillyvideofan actually has an account on this forum (@Phillyhere!) , I figured you guys would be the best people to approach, given you guys are far more advanced and interested in television archiving than I am.

    I even filed a request with NIST through the Freedom of Information Act in 2019 and even that search came out fruitless.


    If this video has been archived (or philly hopefully comes back), I would absolutely love to see this video in the public light!

    Any help is appreciated.

    -- jakanz


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