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Shame on WCBS-TV for interviewing David Berkowitz


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It seems that the morons running WCBS-TV news will do anything for the almighty rating point during sweeps month. Who in their right mind would want to watch an interview of the Son of Sam. I am old enough to remember the summer of 1977 when he terrorized the city. He does not deserve any recognition from the media. Thankfully the police apprehended him before he could kill anyone else. I am not in the TV new business, but my message for the WCBS-TV news management is Shame on You!!

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Scott Weinberger is the biggest waste of an investigative reporter in this market. Interviewing Berkowitz is not some exclusive that other stations and networks were clamoring to get. He will talk to anyone anytime.


Now as far as interviewing him goes - This is the ultimate low point of WCBS. I think Mr. Friend must resign immediately. Berkowitz is a degenerate cold calculated serial killer who knew exactly what he was doing while terrorizing an entire city. He is still trying to pass off the idea that he was crazy, didn't know what he was doing, idolized satan and dogs were talking to him. He knew exactly what he was doing. He should not be alive. The only way this might have been a good sweeps piece is if either the reporter or cameraman entered the correctional facility and killed Berkowitz. I have to have him presented as some human being because he is holding a Bible and has found God.

And on top of that we have to exploit the Moskowitz family who was perhaps the most outspoken of the families that lost a loved one at the time - because the mother betrayed her dead daughter by communicating to this man in prison.

I hope WCBS continues to plummet. It's now almost fun to watch the sideshow news division at the beginning of the dial. Another revamp or overhaul is apparently needed.

Channel 4 and 7 - please fight back against this interview by going to the families and educate the city once again on just what this man caused and how the last thing we need to do is give David Berkowitz the time of day.

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I couldnt believe they would stoop this low to interview this creep. Anyone remember the good old days of Channel 2 when Jim Jensen, Rolland Smith or Chris Borgen. I might be dating myself but Jim and Chris must be turning over in their graves.


Sorry, I just tell it like it see it



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