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Posts posted by SterlingNorth

  1. But yet even when WUSA had there own graphics by Giant Octopus they were using the four second open in there last graphics.


    I'm not sure they were. I do remember the shortened version of the

    they had, but it was still an actual open. And they did occasionally have a "cold open" with no music, but it was just occasionally. Now, the weekday 11pm show (the only show that even occasionally does ratings that aren't horrible) always runs that rather bad cold open.


    Thinking about it, was there even any reason for Gannett to drop the Giant Octopus graphics with their own standardized ones? The GO graphics were a standardization. They could have still outsourced everything to Denver, and just have them use the GO metrics. Was Gannett too cheap to even try to customize their graphics producing machine to work with GO graphics? (Never mind Denver's KUSA still has many customizations in its presentation.) I guess they save money by forcing all their stations (except KARE) to use the same theme music from Rampage...


    Anyway, I find it interesting that WUSA uses the no-open on its highest profile newscast, and that also they have not used the latest updates to the Gannett open and graphics for its other shows.

  2. Honestly, when I first saw it, I thought maybe something there was broken and they couldn't use the open. Only when I saw it in use several days in a row (and using the regular -- but still bad -- Gannett opens at other times) did I realize this was deliberate. Even more amazingly, 11pm is the time where WUSA will occasionally not be last place, so this is the presentation they want people to see. Hooray for firing all the graphics departments and centralizing everything in Denver.

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