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Status Updates posted by TJTWX

  1. I wouldn't count on this being the last advisory of the season...
  2. Its now official. I've made a new friend here. Molly Stokes
  3. An update on the snow from TWU Weather Updates...
  4. Tweaked the snow totals a little bit as new model data comes in. The latest from TWU Weather Updates...
  5. Thank god for Snapchat.
  6. An update on tomorrow's storm from TWU Weather Updates...
  7. Wow. I think I need to see this...
  8. So it turns out my cousins (Matthew Smith and Courtney Smith) are on Twitter, and they're both following me now. Is that a good or a bad thing? Hmmm...
  9. The justice system has failed once again. This woman should be getting life in prison...
  10. Another headline trending this morning...
  11. I can't go away from here for more than 5 minutes without getting some sort of notification lol...
  12. Hmm, let me think. Um ya...
  13. This is me in a nutshell. Easily...
  14. Christine McGaffic Temple, isn't this what Tucker and Brandy eat?
  15. Vote for Hookstown!!
  16. Usually I don't say this, but I agree with Jesse. A man has the right to his own opinion.
  17. Well if it was me, I definitely would've...
  18. My good friend Kylene Titus has a new blog! So we're alike now as I have one too! Go check out her blog and I'll have a new post on my blog a little later today, hopefully!
  19. Indeed it was a good run. And for the South Side Area School District, the run isn't quite over yet. You guys already got the day off.
  20. Epic lip sync battle in progress right now. Its total TJ domination. Yep.
  21. Next to WGN, this is my favorite morning news show.
  22. Phone is back. If you have my number, text me with your name as all of my contacts are gone.
  23. Will be leaving the area soon. Probably within the next two weeks. Stay tuned for any updates.
  24. Will be leaving the area soon. As soon as Saturday.
  25. Jon Sadenwasser and I have been chatting about the big races in the area on Twitter. Always nice to have someone to chat with on a night like this.
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