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Posts posted by Hazim

  1. This is how the announcement of the exact date for Eid looks like in Malaysia, as happened last night local time. It is a tradition in this country to have a representative from the many royal families in the Malay states to announce the date for not just Eid, but for the start of Ramadan and for Eid Adha. The announcement is pre-recorded. In Brunei, it's a slightly different case, the announcement is done by a religious representative, slightly longer duration and broadcast live.



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  2. A promo from the Malaysian state broadcaster announcing the date of the sighting of the new moon and list of places around Malaysia where the sighting of the new moon are made. The promo here is for the start of Ramadan from last year which happened in mid-April in the Gregorian calendar. Sighting of the new moon is also performed for the start of Eid on the month after Ramadan and the start of the last month of the Islamic calendar.



  3. Ramadan has just started here in Malaysia, and typical to TV stations here is to show a list of break of fast/iftar times in various locations, from east to west, since all stations broadcast nationally. Not sure about other Muslim-majority countries though.




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