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Posts posted by brianpr3

  1. You know what would be awesome? When Rosanna decides to leave.. if they brought Steve Bartelstien and put him and Lori as a team. Very unlikely.. actually impossible probably but still cool idea


    Supposedly he has a career outside of tv now

  2. I have a feeling. I believe the last agreement between the two stations was for two years, two years ago at least one year, a year ago. I haven't heard anything that they re-upped.


    It may not be in any danger, anytime soon, but they might be giving Larry the 3 now so they don't have to play with shifts again later, if the do bounce the 7.


    And if you get rid of the 7 what happens to hosea?

    • Like 1
  3. hell my thoughts on non competes


    obviously if you resign with time left in contract the non compete should go for the length of contract left


    if your contract ends on its own or the contract is terminated there should be NO NEED for a non compete

    • Like 2
  4. Last night during the station's NYE coverage, the countdown in Navy Pier was interrupted for some commercials during the last 30 seconds of the countdown but they came back after the fireworks at the Centennial Wheel was ended. Does the station made an EPIC FAIL during live events?


    WOW! i would fire who ever it was that decided to go to commerical

  5. Haven't seen anything about a suspension of Jim Dolan. Was this reported somewhere?


    I just saw him on the air yesterday. If there was a suspension, it must have ended.


    I thought i remember seeing something about it a while back but idk

  6. Rosanna seems very "off" today. Don't know if it has to due with Matt Lauer (since she knew him very well) But she did mention she heard names at the local news level.. could something come out about Fox5?


    or something big bout to come out?

  7. Ben Sherwood has nothing to do with it. ABC News does not oversee or control WABC. The station is a division of the Disney Owned Station Group. ABC News is a completely different entity. They both answer to the same corporate executives in California who will have to sort the whole thing out.


    Well what are they to do since abc o&o president has been transferred to europe and now we see the proper channels are useless

  8. If I'm being honest, I have never been the biggest fan of Laura Benkhe. I'm sure she's a lovely person, but her style just doesn't work for me. All of that said, it's seems likely that she has been treated unfairly. It also seems like the powers that be tried to throw her a bone by giving her more air time during the week with remote reports... but that's all it is... a bone. A small one, at that.


    More like a cracker

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