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  1. Sounds about right, management (any management, not just PIX) would definitely pull such a stunt - 1) sending someone to cover a big story, Manchester (whether or not they need to be there) - 2) have them come back and then e-mail the staff on what a great job was done (regardless of how well it was done) - 3) then use that Big Story in the announcement for the said promotion (a week,month later) as one of the many excuses for getting the position.

    makes perfect sense, may also be a good strategy to get a few lifers that feel they deserved the position lookin' TO LEAVE if they are Tee'd Off enough. Though I would see them re-think the entire strategy knowing what a Huge Failure the Manchester trip turned out to be as far as grabbing viewers in the last days of sweeps. Betty's co-anchor may be short term for the summer with a permanent replacement under Sinclair. Looks like Mannerino shot himself in the foot by taking the Manchester gig, it exposed his low following. You can spend 20 hours a day adding followers by hook or by crook (like Jill Nicoloini used to do - spend her time 24/7 adding followers). When all is said and done - it doesn't matter how many followers you accumulated 2,3,4 years ago - it matters who is watching you NOW. Whatever numbers he had following him were also INFLATED - by the fact that the Tribune 42 Stations employees (not viewers) were following him because they were theoretically sharing the content (though 90+% of the video they probably used was from the CNN footage that first night) it's the same video every station in the NY Area was using for the almost 2 days the Bombing was a story. Dan may be a bigger Pawn than he realizes, though I'm sure Manchester is already on his "Escape Tape".

    Mannerino got anchor just the way I said it would happen. Clearly GM Chris Wayland is making alliances with Staff to protect him once Sinclair moves in = job security. Nothing to do with getting the best talent for the job to increase ratings. Just Maintain the Status Quo.

    Clearly now - Wayland is like the new face on Star Trek with the Red Shirt that gets beamed down to Planet PIX11 and gets eliminated. They spared Easterly as best they could by bringing him back to Chicago before Sinclair takes over. Meanwhile Wayland needs to get the staff to like him VIA Fear or Kissing Butt - before Sinclair comes in and lets him go

    • Like 6
  2. It seems as tho according to Tunedinnyc that Scott Stanford is being moved back to sports and Dan Mannarino may be his replacement (co-anchoring with Betty from 6-9a)



    Sounds about right, management (any management, not just PIX) would definitely pull such a stunt - 1) sending someone to cover a big story, Manchester (whether or not they need to be there) - 2) have them come back and then e-mail the staff on what a great job was done (regardless of how well it was done) - 3) then use that Big Story in the announcement for the said promotion (a week,month later) as one of the many excuses for getting the position.

    makes perfect sense, may also be a good strategy to get a few lifers that feel they deserved the position lookin' TO LEAVE if they are Tee'd Off enough. Though I would see them re-think the entire strategy knowing what a Huge Failure the Manchester trip turned out to be as far as grabbing viewers in the last days of sweeps. Betty's co-anchor may be short term for the summer with a permanent replacement under Sinclair. Looks like Mannerino shot himself in the foot by taking the Manchester gig, it exposed his low following. You can spend 20 hours a day adding followers by hook or by crook (like Jill Nicoloini used to do - spend her time 24/7 adding followers). When all is said and done - it doesn't matter how many followers you accumulated 2,3,4 years ago - it matters who is watching you NOW. Whatever numbers he had following him were also INFLATED - by the fact that the Tribune 42 Stations employees (not viewers) were following him because they were theoretically sharing the content (though 90+% of the video they probably used was from the CNN footage that first night) it's the same video every station in the NY Area was using for the almost 2 days the Bombing was a story. Dan may be a bigger Pawn than he realizes, though I'm sure Manchester is already on his "Escape Tape".

  3. "Some call it retirement but it is just a pause." His words.


    Regardless, the party was today.

    Most people that graduated HS with Lou retired over 10 years ago after working 30 years at regular middle class jobs with pensions

  4. Dan Mannarino sent to Manchester to Cover the attack aftermath

    Dan better get a liveshot off before this becomes "yesterdays news" - Because trump with the Pope is the big story tomorrow. This will add 41 more stations at tribune that have no idea who Dan Mannerino is. Whoever thought viewers at the 42 stations are going to switch from wall-to-wall 24 hour coverage by CNN & FNC back to their local stations for 3 minutes to watch Dan AND then switch back to FNC & CNN has no clue about TV News. Though better Dan for 3 minutes than 5 Minutes of Rambling Minutia panned off as "exclusive details" by Mario Diaz. I guess new GM Chris Wayland has a better "FEEL" for Dan than Mario - or DeLorenzo who really is the only reporter on staff that can adequately appear as reporting serious news. As of today Dan has had an average response of 1 on his tweets from Manchester, we can only assume it's Dan's Mom

    • Like 3
  5. I rarely check out the PIX11 product, but does anyone know what's up with this (until it's taken down)? I don't know if those cuts have ever been used, or in what context.



    you rarely watch pix11 - but you're able to find their promo dept. reels on vimeo? it's just what it says it is, drone footage for show opens using 70's porn music in the background,probably something to do with their "New York's Own" slogan. I don't get the point of posting it, unless you were involved in the Tribune Creative production (or WGN or tribune) looking for compliments. all drone footage looks nice, and slow moves with wide angle lenses. nothing extraordinary here.

  6. PIX11 Staff must be in Black-Out stage similar to Astronaut re-entry from space, - to borrow the favorite term of their field crews: "Radio Silence". boy, they were all high & mighty and buddy - buddy's at the Local Emmy's 2 weeks ago patting each other on the back, now they're all like frightened rabbits. Funny the PIX11 Twitter Acct. still has Sukanya's in it's profile Photo

    • Like 2
  7. Maybe Suki and Tamsen were hired by previous management because they were "pretty faces". IMO the PIX morning news has relied on sex appeal, more than FOX5 ever did.

    Notice PIX11 never Hires Away any seasoned veterans from the NYC competition (even if they have non-compete clauses that expired). PIX11 likes to hire people that are willing to sell their souls - so they can be molded, people that are washed-up, were fired and have no other place to go OR they are Green, or brought up in the system. You'd never see a Current Anchor (or gainfully employed street reporter) from CBS2,NBC4,ABC7 get hired away to work at PIX. They'd have to be thrown in the street & down on their luck to get hired at PIX - and that's exactly what happened to Linda Church, Mary Murphy, Suki, Tamsen, Arnold Diaz, Kirsten Cole, Jay Dow, James Ford , Magee Hickey, Monica Morales,John Muller, Nicole Johnson, Craig Allen, Jodi Applegate- they were ALL out of work with nowhere to go (applegate had been downgraded to News12 making NO Money). The ones they mold that were brought up in the system are Andrew Ramos, the Ojinika person, Lisa Mateo etc. and the others were given a shot at the big time from political ties to the Staion GM's at the time, people like Andy Adler, Narmeen,DiLorenzo - his wife Kala Rama, Ayana Harry, Scott Stanford - were all hired by Rich graziano who they all worked for in connecticut- they got the jobs as insurance for graziano so he had people he could trust - maybe they all vouched for him when he was caught in that situation with the female employee in Connecticut. Bill carey brought in his own people too, Dimentri, Lionel, Wally the cop, Tonya the body language expert, hilary whitier (via al primo, careys old boss), greg mocker, Larry Mendte who aside from Dimentri (fired from CBS2 & Mendte (fired from Philly) had absolutelty no seasoned news experience. Mannerino was up'd from NY1 and has been a PIX11 puppet since day 1.

    and BTW - also the reason you will see drastic change in PIX11 talent over the year - with all Sinclair TV Favorites getting a shot in NYC from the new owners

  8. Maybe Suki and Tamsen were hired by previous management because they were "pretty faces". IMO the PIX morning news has relied on sex appeal, more than FOX5 ever did.

    well, suki didn't bring any sex appeal to the table, it was more sex appaul. I do see they did try it with others but the sex appeal never gained or retained audience, steady downslide - not sure if they even get a .5 anymore. People don't want to watch 3 minute segments on Dunkin' Donuts or Modell's, they want to see News

    • Like 4
  9. Sounds like I hit a nerve. Carry on.

    You didn't hit anything but a wall. You don't know who does or doesn't post here and there's no such thing as widely known "Intel" on the inside in this business. Are you kidding me? News travels faster behind the scenes than it does over-air in this biz, it been that way for decades - way before social media (which is still Faster than over-air). There's not one person that gets fired in this town without staffers at the competitor stations knowing about it within 5 mins. - including all other "Intel" spread by the inner circle crowd etc.and the twisted personal relationships of everybody intertwined in the biz - there's no exclusive inside "intel" anywhere. if you want to see Hostile comments go see the Death of Roger Ailes posts -

  10. It is interesting that no one from PIX comments here because so much of this "intel" was already widely known on the inside. I also wonder if some of the more hostile commenters are what used to be called "disappointed office seekers". The bitterness is acrid.

    They may not post here - doesn't mean they don't READ what's on here... "disappointed office seekers"? never has it been said that anyone NOT getting a staff job at PIX was a disappointment. The fact is Suki was hard to look at AND hard to listen to - I would think more people posting negative comments is because Suki (Tamsen & others ) got jobs they're not qualified to be doing - which would make just about anybody posting here AT LEAST as qualified as them. ya I could see the same or better quality Anchors sore that Suki and Tamsen have those jobs making that kind of money. Suki & Tamsen got these jobs after being FIRED as STREET REPORTERS from CBS2 - so maybe they were just the ones willing to sell out and do the dirty deeds for the PIX sales dept. (that other stations refuse to do - plugging products/companies etc.). PIX11 slogan is "it's either your stepping stone or your tombstone" - pretty much the latter...

  11. I rarely ever post here... and the criticism of WTSP's new format is absolutely warranted. Your rude posts are totally unnecessary and just support the earlier replies about you being a miserable person.

    Stop harassing me out of the blue, instigating new arguments and trolling my history from weeks ago and reporting people for having a difference of opinion

  12. I'm not familiar with your other replies, but you made a very rude reply to a perfectly harmless post in this thread. Threats/curse words aren't requirements to be rude.

    That's your opinion - but there are hundreds of far more rude, mean comments and posts and links posted by others regularly on this site - which pale in comparison to what goes on in the newsroom

    - which then again pales in comparison to what goes on in the field. Hence the expression: what happens in the field STAYS in the field (which also includes physical malice). Thank you for keeping tally - you're doing a great job, that's why you make the big bucks. AND - you're no saint yourself agreeing with all the rude criticism on the WTSP posts, hypocrite....

  13. Ahhhh

    You got "bumped" for time...

    If you are in da-biz...den you no how da game is played bradda.


    We all get "edited" now and then in life my little weed-hopper...it's just the way it is.


    You should see the EXCLUSIVE KBEX "Suki Sex Tape" that I posted hundreds of times here...but that dang Weeters keeps pulling it down!


    I curse that Weeters...he vexes me so!

    well, i could always just use another e-mail for another account if they want to play games.

  14. Actually, I think Weeters has a life. I do not see him post often. So I believe he doesn't have much time to approve your posts. Whatever you did must've been pretty bad. Now if some other people who are on here 24/7 were moderators, than your posts would probably be approved on the spot. Even overnight, as TVNT has some regulars who man that shift as well! And I don't believe they are trying to censor one side. Otherwise they would also censor Fred Flintstone, oops I mean Dirty Harry.

    well, if you just simply clicked on my profile page, then clicked on my posts for a quick look-see- you would see I have posted nothing horrible, just the truth. i see way, way more awful personal attacks and foul language going on, but somehow the honest truth is what gets bullied on here. everything i ever posted was finally, eventually published. the fact is 2 or three regulars didn't agree with my viewpoint early on when i joined this - so they teamed up together to make a complaint (that i was being Negative???) - so now i carry a ball and chain on my posts forever because 3 regulars were playing ugly politics, yet the very same people can post whatever they want.

    • Like 3
  15. Then you're not looking hard enough for that criticism. She's one of our favorite metaphorical punching bags.

    i could care less if she has criticism or not - it's the moderators manipulating posts and responses from earlier in the week until the weekend, well after the discussion has ceased. if they are postable on saturday - why weren't they postable on monday & tueday? that's like FNC The Five show having a discussion - but not letting Juan Williams give his two cents until the show is over - he doesn't get his say to further the discussion AND the discussion is shut down or limited to one viewpoint. it's selective censorship. And i don't buy the moderators claiming they don't have enough time during the week to review posts, not in this day and age. there's way more people posting and responding here DURING the day and During the week than on the weekend- the week is when news happens, we all know that - we're in the biz. to say people are working during the day and don't log on here is ridiculous - TV News biz has more downtime than any other biz on the planet,

  16. im talking about tamsen, she is the one who wrote the relationship and sex self help books, plus appearing on a rival network talk show. If you read the post i quoted then you would have known i am talking about.

    i did read it, my first sentence was my response to your post. my second & third sentences are separate comments on the way the moderators here discriminate which people they manhandle based on politics rather than content. the moderators clearly allow harsh criticism for Tamsen yet put the brakes on comments regarding Suki whether or not they are harsh - just in order to delay or postpone and ongoing conversation about her. I agree about your Tamsen comment 100%

  17. i agree cause she is more interested in her sex and relationship books and self promotion and that to me is lack of credibility

    Wow! They let you post that? I must have Suki's agent for a moderator because I'm not even allowed to post the truth - no matter how harmless my opinion may be. Unless the moderator is a current or former WPIX manager

  18. She probably means "we" as in viewers/followers as well as herself.

    well, on her latest Twitter post she says she'll miss the business but hopes to land on her feet soon. that would mean she was fired

  19. Sukanya Krishnan announces she's leaving PIX11 on her Twitter today. End of the month, not sure - but sounds like Scott Stanford may be out too. she said "WE" have till the end of the month - which infers BOTH of them.

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