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Technically A Director

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Posts posted by Technically A Director

  1. Tegna's changes interest me, but the key is that there are no layoffs *yet.* They may very well be setting themselves up for the long haul. I'd assume most would be fine with one week furlough/pay cuts until this is all "officially" over than work like normal for the next 3 months and then get laid off. 


    Otherwise, i'm sure accounting at the corporate level is assuming that /most/ of the canceled events will be made up, therefore they can still assume that income for this year (see: NASCAR, NBA, Golf, NFL, etc). Whether that will actually happen or not is yet to be determined, and is the very thought that keeps me up at night. 



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  2. The more time passes... the more I don't hate the CBS Weekend News being anchored out of the different CBS O&O's around the country. It's kind of a neat idea if you remove the situation. 


    However, there have been a noticeable handful of snafu's. I can't find a feed to prove it, but we noticed the CBS Weekend News ran it's open w/ countdown late on the New York Feed on Sunday, leaving our MC Op a bit miffed since we came out on the CBS feed and saw the entire countdown air. Not something the average viewer might notice, but it's just another sign of the oddity of the situation. Poor director on that show probably just had the open coded to roll at 5:00:00, not realizing it had the 10 second countdown (the usefulness of which I've always been curious about). 

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  3. I don't think the idea of a traffic reporter is dated. The idea of having a *dedicated* traffic reporter is. 


    Stations can save a bundle of money by having the weather team, anchors, and MMJ's fill in the role. It's awful if she got cut, but it's the nature of media now. Trimming off that extra bit of fat to maximize profit. 


    Hopefully she got a nice severance, or even decided to leave herself. Either way, it's awful to see her go. 

  4. 13 hours ago, PTVNews said:

    Interestingly, looks like Tegna has wiped clear their job postings. Only 2 are listed when there are usually dozens. Wonder if it's due to COVID-19 or the acquisition attempts?




    It could be any number of things. I do know they were very bad about clearing closed positions, the last time I had checked they had postings from November (in early March)!


    Maybe another company is jumping to Workday. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, MichiganNewsGraphicsJunkie said:

    Go to the maps & radar section of the weather page... all the maps except the 7-day are tegna-fied






    Those maps are probably generated automatically by a computer in their WX Center or somewhere else in TEGNAland. If I remember correctly, someone noted the new maps back when the site first launched.

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