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How Many FOX News anchors are INDEPENDENT?


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There are some FOX News anchors and reporters that are not only Independent, but they would much rather not give into the conservative bias their employer asks them to. These reporters hate the political bodyslamming that goes on at the news organization, and they would much rather stay away from that conflict.


The Washington Post published a story about Bret Baier being Brit Hume's replacement at the Washington bureau, and reporter Howard Kurtz took Baier's quote, "Baier, the new anchor of Fox's "Special Report," says he's an independent." This published in January 2009. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/05/AR2009010503271.html


FOX Report anchor Shepard Smith, who also anchors Studio B, told this to TV Guide in an interview. "Sean Hannity is...[a conservative], I'm not, I'm not a Liberal either," said Smith in TV Guide sometime in 2003.


In a story reported on ABC News 20/20 last Friday (June 12, 2009), John Stossel showed Glenn Beck talking smack about both Democrats and Republicans, and the Yahoo! Answers blogger said the same thing about Beck being an Independent. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081117143229AAKJ1u7


How many more FOX News anchors and reporters are Independent?

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As opposed to zero real journalists on MSNBC.


By the way, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are actually capable of arguing a point with facts, not government propaganda like MSNBC. They actually report news beyond what play the Obamas went to last night, unlike MSNBC. Plus, Fox News doesn't have the smug and unfunny Kieth Olbermann, the annoying Ed Schultz and the loud, shrieky Rachel Maddow in their stable of talent.

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Well clearly we now understand the point of the right media outlet (FOX) and the left media outlet (MSNBC). Both sides will always continue to debate the other side on who has "real" journalist. Just a matter of which political side you fall on.

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Well clearly we now understand the point of the right media outlet (FOX) and the left media outlet (MSNBC). Both sides will always continue to debate the other side on who has "real" journalist. Just a matter of which political side you fall on.


Neither is more fair. They all (or at least most of them) suck, but that's my opinion.

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Seems like politics is returning to TVNT...


Olbermann and Maddow may have called out Obama, but they still have aired stories which favored his Administration and criticized his critics.

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You can complain that MSNBC is a government mouthpiece, but wasn't Fox a mouthpiece for the past 8 years under that logic? None of these stations are direct government mouthpieces. They both have differing views. They both have the right to saw what they want.


My main issue with Fox is the slogan "No Spin Zone" for a VERY opinionated show...at least MSNBC doesn't try to pass its opinion programs off as unbiased.

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Debate can always go on. Don't like FOX, don't watch. Don't like MSNBC, don't watch. I prefer FOX so I watch that channel. I know the kind of material I will get by watching MSNBC, so I avoid it.

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