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Rick Sanchez in unwatchable


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I'm watching CNN (as I am wont to do), trying to keep track of all the "Breaking News" today (John Murtha's death, Dr. Conrad Murray's arrest, the Saints, etc). But Rick Sanchez insists on talking to his producers on screen, telling them to take this camera angle and that picture, asking what's happening or what's coming next. It's depressingly bad. I don't watch FOX at all, and MSNBC has David Shuster and Dylan Ratigan, each bad in their own special way.


I think I'll just watch some Cold Case Files on A&E for a while. Who thought giving him an extra hour (or one hour, for that matter) was a good idea?!

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I agree. I can't stand his arrogance. He thinks everything is about him and that he's the director of the show. I think the ratings of his new 4pm hour are down about 20% over what Wolf was doing.


And this whole trend of spending so much time showing off viewer tweets (better yet, using time to talk about showing the tweets) is annoying. I don't care what random people have to say. Just report the news. If they want to bring back "TalkBack Live," then bring it back. But get rid of Rick Sanchez.

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at least his show is better than suckups Wolf Blitzer and John King.


Erm, not if the ratings for his hours are any indication. With 4pm down compared to what The Situation Room was doing, a rethink is in order. I'd be inclined to ship him off to HLN, and put a proper news anchor there.

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Wow, I'm watching Rick Sanchez for the first time in a LONG time right now, and this is unbearable. There's breaking news regarding a flight being diverted due to a disruptive passenger, and he can barely get the information across in a coherent manner. He's just sitting there bumbling and saying "ummm..." between every fact he reads off. He really doesn't even sound like he knows what he's talking about. He just keeps bumbling on and on.


Then they brought in a female reporter (didn't catch her name), and she's acting all happy and excited while reporting a story about a shooting. What the heck is going on with this show?


Then when she handed it back over to Rick, he led into the next story with her while leaning over the desk and being ridiculously giddy and dramatic. I watched Rick once about two years ago, and he was never this bad before. Is this guy drunk, or has he just become so arrogant that he enjoys making a fool out of himself for two hours a day, five days a week?

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Wow, I'm watching Rick Sanchez for the first time in a LONG time right now, and this is unbearable. There's breaking news regarding a flight being diverted due to a disruptive passenger, and he can barely get the information across in a coherent manner. He's just sitting there bumbling and saying "ummm..." between every fact he reads off. He really doesn't even sound like he knows what he's talking about. He just keeps bumbling on and on.


Then they brought in a female reporter (didn't catch her name), and she's acting all happy and excited while reporting a story about a shooting. What the heck is going on with this show?


Then when she handed it back over to Rick, he led into the next story with her while leaning over the desk and being ridiculously giddy and dramatic. I watched Rick once about two years ago, and he was never this bad before. Is this guy drunk, or has he just become so arrogant that he enjoys making a fool out of himself for two hours a day, five days a week?


Is "all of the above" an option?

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