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qunewsguy last won the day on July 21 2023

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About qunewsguy

  • Birthday 06/26/1983

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  1. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this yet but I hate the fact that it's a double live bug.
  2. For being new graphics in 2024? Woof. They're pretty bad. That aside, the font is going after the FOX5 audience, the cold open banner reeks of GrayONE.
  3. WTNH in Hartford has the same graphics as WSPA. WFSB has GrayONE.
  4. Not to derail this thread but a lot of broadcast design has trended digital-first in the last few years. Heavy 3D and gradients look horrible on highly compressed video formats and contribute to visual clutter. Had smartphones not taken off I think design trends would have gone in a completely different direction.
  5. Not quite a "desk in the corner" but close enough. I have to say I liked the previous set a bit better since it fit with the circle motif.
  6. WWLP, Springfield MA from March 25, 1987. The 6pm was posted by NewsActive3 a few years back. This is the first time the 5:30 is online. The original tape was recorded by my mom, who appears here sitting on a blanket while watching me and a friend run down a hill at the 10:18 mark. WVIT's 5:30pm newscast from May of 2002. Definitely hitting on all cylinders here!
  7. I'm working on tossing old CDs and DVDs I've had laying around and I came across these work sample images taken from Giant Octopus' website in 2003. Probably the peak of their design trendyness. It's amazing how much things have changed in 20 years!
  8. Egad did both WVIT and WVTM's 1998 looks. Pretty sure they did WVIT's 1996 as well which is why they're on the '97 client list.
  9. The margins on everything are so tight this looks like a social/streaming-forward design more than broadcast. I'm super surprised they went with Bebas. It's EVERYWHERE these days.
  10. Hot off the digitization press: WTNH Action News 8 from May 23, 1986. This capture runs a good 45 minutes.
  11. My bet? There's no one left at WCPM who could compose a half decent update to the package.
  12. The package looks good overall but you can sort of tell it took years to finally implement. Some of the design trends used here are now a tad bit past their prime (arrows opening up sliding elements, semi-webpage looking animation cues). Also I'm seeing some very minor similarities to the CBS O&O look, likely owing to the fact that Wendy McMahon was the driving force behind both.
  13. If they're still using VizRT it's super simple to integrate that live data into the scene.
  14. That knockoff is so close it almost makes me wonder if it's the actual graphics package.
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