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Everything posted by kshow

  1. Nicely said. Things change, just gotta get with the times. These news organizations are struggling (most don't even look for sweeps periods anymore) - who really watches the news anymore? We get our information from social media. I would side eye an organization if they weren't making changes right now...
  2. I don't know how I feel about this open. Did they always call their 11PM show - 'Late News'?
  3. Wow. Wonder when the other stations will launch...
  4. Oh you're big mad about this.
  5. DeMarco started in early November.
  6. Hate it. What is it supposed to be anyway? A balcony? So confused.
  7. Lionel Moise joins Channel 7: https://www.facebook.com/lionelmoise00
  8. https://tvnewscheck.com/programming/article/lots-to-see-as-syndies-new-season-gets-underway/ They are Tamron, J Hud, Sherri are getting the same ratings, pretty much.
  9. So... Mark Mester went rouge for no reason? I'm not understanding...
  10. WCBS-TV premiered a new political show today (Sunday). Take a look at the graphics...
  11. https://twitter.com/MikeRogersTV/status/1570479323337101312/photo/1 They have 3 choppers now.
  12. I wonder what happened to her to leave WNYW and RETIRE (major), she hasn't been at the station too long and she's not old at all (59 years old).
  13. More than half the staff is from Ellen, same studio, and offices.
  14. Did any other stations do this?
  15. Any photos of this? Would love to see...
  16. I'm a fan of the cohesiveness in looks of both the network and local stations. It makes sense to me. I wonder if other networks will follow suit if this works for CBS? Media is changing.
  17. CBS has been doing the late commercial and 60 second commercial thing for a few weeks now.
  18. What do you mean? She has to be there the last day the graphics are in use?
  19. Yes, this similar graphic has also been used for their current COVID-19 look - which has been used for a few months also.
  20. The graphics looked really well WCBS.
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