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24994J last won the day on October 6

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About 24994J

  • Birthday 05/08/1992

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Station Group CEO

Station Group CEO (8/8)



  1. It says he'll remain at 6 for awhile. A few years is a long time for a soon-to-be 81-year-old like Chuck, so lasting longer than Bill is no guarantee.
  2. Yes. In some BTS shots, you can see that the interview set is the only piece still standing. The green space is placed at the former weather center end, wrapping around to the anchor desk space and the unseen 4th wall.
  3. And don't forget that hiring capable lesser-knowns has typically been Today's method. Whether it's dipping into the local pool like Pauley, Brokaw or Lauer, or building up correspondents like Couric or Guthrie, only rarely have they made splash hires like Meredith.
  4. That's not what @MediaZone4K is talking about. Nobody is saying they shouldn't do the TOTH ID, but it looks clunky and excessive when on the omnipresent in-show bug.
  5. When the CBS Evening News opens up every 3-6 years, it's always 'what about Anderson?' When there's an opening for a serious, veteran anchor at local or national, it's often 'what about Shepard?' When there's an opportunity for a morning show anchor, it's constantly 'what about Robin?' From CBS, CNN, NewsNation, large market Fox stations, even to freaking Jeopardy!, you spend long enough around here, and seeing the same names listed over and over like they're waiting in line at an employment agency goes from eye roll-inducing to annoying to hilarious.
  6. Which was already established in the post your quoted and all the posts that followed.
  7. You know, you can edit posts and not double post & hide old ones.
  8. I still think the '96 theme, especially the final version we hear at the end, would make a great breaking or election theme, co-existing with the legendary original version.
  9. Because, as stated in the rules, creating general topic threads is not typically permitted.
  10. Not on the level of Weeters, but as a mod, the top-4 market sections were created in a much different time. The industry was healthier and the demand for it on this site was greater. We've also always had reasonably strong Philly representation to warrant its existence. New York and Chicago conversation is similarly active. Los Angeles, admittedly not as much, but leaving out market #2 would've been weird. I'm just not sure we have the interest for such a channel for individual stations in DFW. We had briefly kicked the tires on a Texas section, but that wouldn't be my call.
  11. It appears that Arctic Fox is the default for all newscasts, not just GDC.
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