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Everything posted by 24994J

  1. Not that it matters, but... - Monday was Tracy at 4:30, Phil at 11, 12 and 4, Jerry from 5 on. - Tuesday was the traditional Phil in for Tracy schedule. - Today was Tracy at 4:30, Mike at 11, 12 and 4, Jerry at 5. On another note, I think I just saw the one of the longest closes ever on ABC7. From the moment the anchors stopped talking, the full close on tonight's 6 o'clock show was one minute, thirty nine seconds. The music played in all for about 2 minutes, and the last 1:03 was completely uninterrupted after the WatchABC promo played. They even showed live shots of the city after only a few seconds. There wasn't a break where they started the them over or anything glitchy, either. It was absolute perfection.
  2. I'll save all y'all some time. They're the same video.
  3. With a name like that, are we sure he isn't a Marvel villain?
  4. A few things... - Here's a new one. Tracy did the weather from 4:30 through GMA, but Phil pulled the duties at 11, Noon and 4. She probably had a prior commitment and whatnot, but I kinda like the idea of a midday weather anchor. - I didn't see it live, but today's '72GO' was posted on the website in the style of the main newscasts. The time/temp was used for the first time, and video was uploaded in segments, not as a whole webcast. - Bill Ratner's still doin' VOs, including today's 5pm promo. I'm really beginning to think his presence is more than temporary.
  5. Because somebody already claimed "@EyewitnessNews"...and TVNT even follows it. https://twitter.com/eyewitnessnews
  6. Yeah... "WABC-TV Channel 7 Eyewitness News" is a little wordy for their Facebook page.
  7. And wouldn't searching for "7online" on Facebook and Twitter easily direct to their pages? No.
  8. Am I the only person that thinks it's awfully pretentious to promote the website only as '7online' and not '7online.com'? Why don't they do something like '7on.line' or some crap like that?
  9. Would I be wrong to think that the package must be pretty good if the online plugs are the weakest link? I think we'll be okay.
  10. Okay, this is going to be long-winded, but hear me out... I'll give 'WCL' a year, at best. Between 'The Chew', 'GH', and 'Katie', something might not last til next Fall. Should all of those survive, 'WCL' is dead. If one does end, and ABC replaces it with something else, 'WCL' is dead. If two don't survive, 'WCL' will live. I do actually think that, despite some suspicions, John Idler is doing what he can with the hand that he has been dealt. I can bet you dollars to doughnuts that Disney, ABC, and Rebecca Campbell had been waiting for the day that Emily Barr moved on. She simply had the seniority and influence that prevented the network from doing what it wanted with their oddball child. Upon her departure, Mr. Idler stepped in, having a history with ABC, at WTVD in the same role, and even at WLS under Barr's leadership. Despite that history, he did not have the kind of pull that Ms. Barr had, thus rendering him rather powerless against the network. I'm not saying changes wouldn't be made, but he'd likely be more hesitant to screw up the station's opportunity to succeed. Frankly, I think Ms. Barr was riding the wave way too long, and had no immediate intentions of breathing some life into an increasingly stale product. It's no secret that ABC is trying to cut some fat, and I'm certain that Campbell and Co. would love nothing more than to give 'WCL' the boot. 'Windy City Live' did not survive without a fight. Let's face it, what's more expensive to put on each day...'WCL' or the 11am news? ...That's what I thought. I believe that cutting one anchor (and likely a few producers and such) was better than cutting most of the 'WCL' team. I'd like to think that more people remain employed because of this. And then there's the potential ad revenue that comes with the acquisition of 'Live', but that's obvious. I'll bet that ABC's been pushing for WLS to get 'Live' for years, but didn't totally make the move until Barr was gone from WLS and Michael Strahan had proven his worth in the ratings. As for personnel changes, I think what's in place right now is designed as a temporary fix. Are people facing the chopping block? Not necessarily, but what's going on right now doesn't seem like a long-term arrangement. I don't know what the contract situations are, but if 'WCL' goes, I think Linda Yu will follow. Fired and kicked out? Not likely, but she will be 67 this year, and one is left to wonder how much she (or any of the other vets) has left in the tank. This begs the question, as well...if the work environment is so toxic, then why isn't a Magers, Taft, Mathie or the like calling it a career and getting the hell outta there? ...But I digress. Let's take a look at Alan Krashesky for a moment. After 31 years at the station, practically his ENTIRE professional career, he's on the doorstep of being principal anchor. When Ron Magers leaves, the seat is pretty much guaranteed to be his. If he's within a few years of top dog status, how long would he be expected to do the noon webcast? As for the overnight movies, if they're gone for good, it's a shame. However, a little extra income never killed anyone, and if it keeps more people employed, then I'm all for it. Also, we need to pick our battles. Upon WCL's cancellation, a midday newscast will be restored, but I'd guess that the morning team would be installed, not anyone from the afternoon side...UNNNNNNNNNNLESSSSSSSSSS Stacey Baca or Karen Jordan get a promotion, which I won't rule out. As for the 'WCL' team, I don't know. I don't see Val finding a place in an already-crowded female news team. Ryan might be worked back into the sports team, seeing as Giangreco and J.R. are both past 60, and Rafer is clearly being groomed for the top spot. My stance through all of this has been that, let me reminisce, "People Make the Difference". I have my feelings about the theme and the graphics, but who's delivering the product is my favored piece of the presentation pie. The look they have right now is good. It's way past its prime, and borders on 'ugh', but it's held up remarkably well and by no means looks bad. I have a big soft spot for the theme, but I've found it to be getting a little tired in recent months. If 'Eyewitness News' is on it's way, I would prefer the current WABC cuts (however, that's all up in the air if WABC could be changing things up soon). I don't want the really old stuff, and sure as hell don't want the New Generation crap, either. In a perfect world, would be the new theme, but I have a feeling that the chances of that happening are (to quote Jim Rose) slim and none, "and slim is warming up the car". I think I've covered everything, but I guess my point is that John Idler has a lot on his plate, and has been forced to make some changes. Is he kissing anyone's ass? No, he's doing what his boss tells him, and it's incredibly rude and ignorant to fault him for that. Looking at the past, no one wants to come to Chicago with the goal of being the next Ahern, Cheatwood, or any of the WFLD (mis)managers of the last 5 years. The decisions made right now are questionable, for sure, but I think a significant part of running a television station is trial and error. We all (some more than others) need to give it a little time. Over the next few years, things will become clearer, but the stagnant, 2005-mindset will not and cannot work in 2013.
  11. Much ado about nothing? No. Reason to lose our minds and call people names? Definitely no, but that's just my humble opinion. It's all just something to keep an eye on.
  12. To be honest, I think all of this is part of a bigger, long-term plan...a plan that may not be all bad. I don't have to time to write it all right now, but this'll serve to remind me to post it later.
  13. I know in Chicago WLS just dumps everything into late night, and occasionally on like slow Saturday afternoons. I'd guess other ABC O&O's do the same.
  14. Two notes this afternoon: Morning traffic anchor Roz Varon will be off the rest of this week after having a preventative procedure done tomorrow to treat Stage 0 breast cancer. Varon was first diagnosed with a more severe bout with the disease 7 years ago. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/video?id=9249978 Today's 72GO featured a live report from the scene of the D.C. shooting. It was the network-fed generic live-shot, but it proves the capability to carry live reports is there.
  15. Ron is off, so Stacey Baca is at the 5pm anchor desk tonight. I don't think I've seen Stacey with Cheryl yet, but I am reminded once again that Cheryl is always the weaker of two given anchors.
  16. Well, ABC isn't going with their usual 4th week of September total roll-out of their shows. DWTS and Shark Tank both premiere this coming week (9/16 & 9/20, respectively), so...
  17. Don't get me wrong, it does have it's flaws, but at its best, it's phenomenal quality. Seeing as 72GO (that's what I'm calling it) has been taken down for today, I'll try and upload the inaugaral broadcast a little later.
  18. Am I the only person that has always thought of the current graphics to be an extremely heavy refresh of the 2008 package (openings notwithstanding)?
  19. My review of 'ABC 7 To Go' is forthcoming... Updated (1:30 PM CT): The webcast starts with a simple open, using the EWN cut featured in the 5pm promo. Alan Krashesky starts the broadcast, promptly tossing to the first field report. Today's report was pre-recorded, but I'm guessing that may not always be the case, seeing as the story today wasn't an urgent, still-developing issue. The video quality throughout the update is spectacular, the same consistent quality that is seen on the live stream of traditional newscasts. But it still isn't perfect... After another few stories, Krash throws it to Mike Caplan (live) in the upstairs weather studio. The fantastic video quality is even more noticeable when the weather graphics are featured. Apparently Alan didn't have a chance to pop in the make-up chair before they went live... After a few more stories, most of which were lighter (though not fluff), Alan previews today's 'Katie' and 4pm news. The show closes with a list of what's trending in Chicago right now. Kinda pointless, but the (former) 11am bumper cut of NS2K+ is used as a closing theme, so it's worth it. 'ABC 7 To Go' certainly has promise. It was fairly well-executed, but that's probably because Alan has been doing a midday web brief like this for a few years. The new webcast clocked in at about 12 minutes, which falls into the 10-15 minute range that was promised. I think it has a chance, I know I'll check it out regularly. It was fast-paced and concise, but not at all rushed. Most stories were brief, for sure, but I didn't feel like I missed much. Something like this would not work on-air, but it is perfect as a companion to their website, and I think that's what makes it successful.
  20. Remember, it all has to do with the fact that K&M has their premiere tomorrow, which in and of itself is kinda odd. As we'll all recall, the programming changes were going to take effect on the 9th, until the premiere was announced for the 2nd.
  21. Weren't the 2008 graphics unveiled on the weekend?
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