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Posts posted by MorningNews

  1. Dump Savannah and replace her with Hoda who I thought should have been news anchor after Ann and then given Ann's spot but I digress. Hoda is good and she works well with really just about anyone. For what it's worth I don't see the phasing out of the news reader role as something permanent but we'll see.

  2. Would David Muir move from the official flagship program of the network to GMA? (despite GMA sort of being the unofficial flagship)

    Also David isn't really that strong on GMA and never has been I remember going back to days where he filled in for Diane with Robin and he's not really morning show personality to me.

  3. As a regular GMA viewer, I agree 100%. Jesse is more natural in that position. I can honestly see him in George's chair down the line, whereas, it's hard for me to picture what role Michael really fulfill on the show. Michael should have stayed with Kelly. It's so cringeworthy seeing him presenting and interacting with others on the show.

    As far as successors for Robin and George, I think Amy definitely should get the job whenever Robin decides to leave and I'd keep an eye on Dan Harris, Jesse Palmer, and TJ Holmes for George.


    Yeah just how bad he is has become more noticeable since they've had him on lately, he fumbles over everything and he's just not as quick as most other morning people tend to be. I feel like everyone else on the show cringes too watching Michael "do his thing"

    Hopefully they realize this before it's too late. Maybe Michael's prime time career takes off and that pulls him from GMA?

    As far as Robin's replacement, it's got to be Amy. Been a fan of hers since she was on WT, and the person she clicks with best on the show is Jesse. Jesse and Amy could be a really great anchor team, but so could Amy and TJ. Both those guys are really great.

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  4. Sooooo... I think I may be starting to see the point of everyone who said GMA maybe making a huge mistake by focusing on Michael Strahan. Though it's still yet to be seen how much the show will change with him at the helm I really just don't think he meshes well with anyone else besides Robin. Jesse Palmer is so much better with the team including George. Jesse could also be groomed for a larger role on the show one day where as I don't see Michael ever taking the reigns of the program.

    This is all coming to me while watching GMA regularly the past few weeks. That being said we have no idea who will be on the show in 5 years, but I doubt Robin and George stay around forever. ABC needs to start building up talent to replace them.

    • Like 2
  5. Though my respect for Matt is virtually nonexistent these days and I do hold him responsible for Ann's shitty exit -- this affair story just seems so ridiculous and I'm taking it with a grain of salt. I mean these rumors date back to what 2006? Nothing has ever materialized out of it so I doubt it's legitimacy.

    • Like 2
  6. Yeah Close Up, I always confused it with WNT's Closer Look. Anyway, the times I've watched Today recently they don't seem to do it anymore which is sad because it was sort of signature of the show.

  7. Just curious.. Does Today still have the UpClose segment in the first half hour? I know the first 30 minutes always opened with Katie/Matt introducing the show then tossing to Ann with the top headlines followed immediately after by the UpClose segment.

  8. Ive been watching The View a little more lately and I gotta say I think the panel they've been having for the past week or so is one of their best ever. Whoopi, Sunny, Joy, Sara, and Paula all seem to really gel very well. The conversations are intellectual, it's a return to the good days of The View. I think Paula does good at times with filling the conservative void, but if they are looking to bring a true conservative to the panel full time switch Paula with Jedediah. Jedediah is very passionate and not afraid to share her views, where as Paula is a bit more devils advocate than anything else. Overall ABC this team works keep it this way!

  9. Thanks I was wondering how they handled it at 8am since I was out of the door by then. Yesterday Paula Farris read the news at 8 am and I assumed she was filling in for Amy but now I'm wondering if they did the same thing as they did today having George read them at 7 and a correspondent at 8.

  10. Hmm not sure I follow.

    Matt and Savannah carry themselves and are marketed in pretty much the same way Katie and Matt were.

    Robin and George are marketed the same way Charlie and Diane were.


    The anchors aren't the problem and the way they carry themselves aren't the problem. These morning shows for so long have thrived in large part because of the popularity of the anchors. In fact remove Robin or Matt from their shows and you will for sure see audience erosion. Anchor exposure is not the issue. Remove Charlie or Norah and watch that their growth begins to slow as well.


    Betrayal and insecurity in this business is nothing new and has existed since the start of Hollywood and TV.


    While I am really happy for CTM, let's keep in mind that their growth is coming during a very busy news cycle. It's expected that a morning news program focused around news would do exceptionally well during a year long heavy news cycle. They still trail NBC by more than 600,000-800,000 viewers. I say this to make the point that while I think CTM has a really great thing going for them, the other two shouldn't be so quick to replicate that for success just yet.

    • Like 2
  11. Your points are valid but I'm not so sure that I'm going to cast blame on GMA or Today. I think we're just witnessing a major shift in the audiences demand for these programs. Keep in mind Good Morning America and Today have both built empires off of a format that values personalities and lifestyle segments over news. ABC tried to be more newsier once and they suffered some of their worst ratings ever. The audience is looking for something more thought provoking and CBS is filling the void, the others are catching on to that and will begin to shift soon enough. GMA has already been giving us a taste of what's probably likely to come with Robin, George and Michael leading the show.

  12. I didn't catch it today but all week they had been promoting that Robin would be anchoring live from new Disney park in Shanghai on Wednesday (the day after the shark attack) so I'm guessing it was a little bit awkward.


    Anyone notice that Lara's role is being significantly reduced?

  13. The Amy thing is new but for the last few weeks they've been very news driven the first hour. Where have they moved Amy? I'm confident she will still be apart of the show for a long time to come, as she's the only one who fills in for Robin.


    Also if they're revamping this program come this fall there's no way they can keep Lara Spencer. She is absolutely the only unbearable on the show!

  14. According to an analyst on CNN's Reliable Sources this morning, Good Morning America brings in $400 million bucks to ABC News a year. Enough to keep all of ABC News running where as LIVE brings in $30 million.

  15. On another note... This week has been my first in a while watching GMA in its entirety. Does Lara still fill in for Robin when she's away? Amy is anchoring today for Robin, but there's no news reader. In fact Amy read the headlines in the 8am hour, so she's filling in for Robin and doing her normal duties. Is this common? Also the soft set really sucks and is very ugly.

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