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Everything posted by mountainave

  1. Why try to promote a hashtag anyway? It's short-sighted social media strategy. If anything, put @ABC7NY there instead.
  2. Rob Powers filled in for Joe Torres, Jeff Smith appeared on World News with David Muir, and Lee Goldberg will be filling in as weather anchor on GMA Sunday.
  3. I assume they called him in. Diana was also called in to replace Phil.
  4. They changed the main Twitter handle from @eyewitnessnyc to @ABC7NY.
  5. This morning Michelle was presenting an emotional story about a group of boys standing up for a peer who was being bullied. She got choked up and Phil jumped in to finish the piece. Did anybody happen to record the moment, or find it online?
  6. I did notice they dropped "Storm Watch 7 is in effect" in favor of "Accuweather Alert mode." Not sure why.
  7. Do we know what her arrangement is? I wonder if she's still employed by Metro/Shadow Traffic contracted by WABC, or if she's just been hired by WABC outright.
  8. Between this and the "Weather and Heather" promo, it seems the Creative Department has a new strategy with these jingles. I like it.
  9. http://forums.tvnewstalk.net/index.php?/topic/13276-phil-lipof-is-going-to-wcvb/
  10. You guys hit the nail on the head. As for using Channel 7 over ABC7, it's also more relatable for viewers. Puts the emphasis on the channel and not the network branding. Less corporate, more personal. That said, they do need to work on brand consistency on social media.
  11. 7online.com has been around for a while, so I think the assumption is that, by now, viewers know the website. Even if someone didn't put two and two together, they could Google "7online," and the first result would be WABC's website.
  12. A circle sandwiched between two bars is just horrible. If they really want to do that, they should move the time/temp bar below the circle also.
  13. Bill Ritter will be anchoring EWN @ 4, 5, and 6 tomorrow from Seaside.
  14. They might not be holding off; they may just have a date in mind. For example, they've debuted things in the past around the time of the start of a new television season, which is later this month. There was no indication that they planned to utilize new opens as soon as they were ready. That being said, let's remember that all of this is wild speculation based on two words -- "new look" -- in the post of another poster on this thread.
  15. Seriously? I feel like the look was just updated, and I like it. Doesn't look old yet. I'm curious to see what's coming.
  16. This opening for a general assignment reporter has been listed since at least March. You'd think they'd be able to fill that opening relatively quickly with a presumably large pool of applicants from which to choose. http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=resources/inside_station/station_info&id=5783115
  17. Interesting. ABC News doesn't usually "call up" from stations (except maybe to find a weather anchor on GMA if Sam and Ginger are both out). He anchored World News Now not too long ago, too. Either his agent is good or ABC News brass likes him.
  18. Are you able to post it? Not sure which one you guys are talking about.
  19. Diana is anchoring the Sunday @ 11 tonight.
  20. EWN @ 5 cut to Toni Yates in the field for a live report while she was on a phone call on her cell phone and laughing. Whoops.
  21. Also noticed they were using AccuWeather Alert throughout the day. Would've expected "StormWatch 7". Have they dropped that branding?
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