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Live at Five and News 4 You


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OK, so it's been several months now that WNBC cancelled the old Live at Five, where Sue Simmons has co-anchored since she came to NY, and replaced it with a shorter version and the new News 4 You. While I certainly miss Sue at the 5 o'cklock hour, David Ushery and Lynda Baquero certainly do a great job. The entire News 4 You stinks. Perri Peltz has to go and so does that cast. Anybody know how WNBC is doing ratings wise at 5? I certainly hope that after the changes, they at least continue to beat the jokers at WCBS.

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OK, so it's been several months now that WNBC cancelled the old Live at Five, where Sue Simmons has co-anchored since she came to NY, and replaced it with a shorter version and the new News 4 You. While I certainly miss Sue at the 5 o'cklock hour, David Ushery and Lynda Baquero certainly do a great job. The entire News 4 You stinks. Perri Peltz has to go and so does that cast. Anybody know how WNBC is doing ratings wise at 5? I certainly hope that after the changes, they at least continue to beat the jokers at WCBS.


We'll Find Out On Thursday. ;)

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Having Sue and Chuck both anchoring the 6:00 and 11:00 news was a great decision. Sue deserves the 6:00 spot more than Lynda does. I just hope they make Live at 5 an hour long again. They could bring Peri back in and have three anchors.

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BREAKING NEWS!... it will be official tomorrow, but early reports have WCBS beating WNBC in Households and all key demo's at 5pm... not even close, WCBS had the book wrapped up at 5 last week. WCBS at 6 will win all key demo's as well. Mornings still suck at WCBS and the 11 still trails, but at least the 5 and 6 are back for them.

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