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Newscasters That NEVER SMILE


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As you see in the photos below, there are some anchors and reporters that NEVER SMILE


Examples Include:


Chuck Scarborough (WNBC)

Tom Brokaw (NBC News)

Jim Payne (WESH Orlando)

Peter Jennings (ABC News) - God Rest his Soul

Bill "$#@! Things Sucks" O'Reilly (FOX News)

Roger Grimsby (WABC)


Maybe it's because they want to be taken seriously - breaking the stereotype that people put on news anchors, especially the smiling Ted Baxter typecast.


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As you see in the photos below, there are some anchors and reporters that NEVER SMILE


Examples Include:


Chuck Scarborough (WNBC)

Tom Brokaw (NBC News)

Jim Payne (WESH Orlando)

Peter Jennings (ABC News) - God Rest his Soul

Bill "$#@! Things Sucks" O'Reilly (FOX News)

Roger Grimsby (WABC)


Maybe it's because they want to be taken seriously - breaking the stereotype that people put on news anchors, especially the smiling Ted Baxter typecast.


I thought those guys WERE examples of the stereotypes.

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Jim Gardner smiles. If we're talking more recently, Gardner smiles a lot.


I don't know where Chuck came from, frankly, as he always seemed like one of the warmest, friendliest anchors on television and would always chuckle or smile. Same with Brokaw and Jennings... serious newsmen yes, but friendly in their own ways.


Now there's a few people that more legitimately fit this criteria...


Grimsby's on-air persona was built on rarely smiling, even though he had that legendarily quick and sarcastic wit. This was part of the Eyewitness News formula, where everyone had their own personality. He would smile during lighter moments, such as the end of a newscast, when something went wrong, or occasionally during a quip - i.e. "as Mara Wolinsky would say, 'we're number one'." - but it wasn't really much of a habit.


Jim Jensen probably embodied it the most. Jensen personally saw the idea of news being an "entertainment" program as sheer heresy, and his presentation reflected that. I've only seen him smile once, and that was during some off-the-cuff commentary with Rolland Smith as they tossed to break during a newscast.

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Anchors who don't smile in Los Angeles (especially now) would be castrated. Unless we're talking about a business reporter, commentator or news director or one of the higher ups.


Although I do recall quite a few past anchors who never smiled but maintained a friendly down-to-earth tone such as Warren Olney, who anchored at almost every station town and now hosts "Which Way LA/Two the Point" on KCRW Public Radio.


The news directors and consultants in Los Angeles really force these ridiculous ideas on anchors, which is why many leave or get let go. Although, I'd rather not speak poorly of KNBC's Bob Long.

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If I have to pick an anchor, I'd have to say KDKA's Stacy Smith, although he does smile in the talent open... sort of. It looks more like a grimace. Stacy's old school, though.


Now reporter Andy Sheehan must have some form of maxillofacial paralysis, as his face is always screwed up in an almost Botox-addict-looking form of some sort. I have never seen him smile, once. Then again, one must have a personality to smile.

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