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New Video Threads (UPDATE!)


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Because I did see some confusion to the purpose of the video threads, and to what would go in where, I decided to lock the current threads and begin new ones. There are two clarly defined threads; one for videos made before the year 2000, and one for those made after the year 2000. Why the cutoff there? Because a lot of users *do* see the 1990s years as "classic" at this point, and generally most stations have established their looks around 2000 or a few years thereafter.


General legal reminder: We do not assume any responsibility for any action taken against either you or the poster of the video. You post these links at your own risk, so be aware of the consequences. These threads are provided as a service for people who want to know the newest classic finds posted on the internet as well as those who generally want to see how a station presents itself nowadays.

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  • 10 years later...

So, after a decade of use(!), I figured it was time to move the goalposts a bit. This has been something I've wanted to do for a while and since I still can update the original threads I decided to tweak it.


Long story short, anything before 2008 now goes in Classic Video. Anything after 2008 goes in the "modern" Video Thread. I chose 2008 for a reason. Not only did standardization really begin around this time, but many stations also went HD around this time, making a delineation pretty easy.


Why the change? Well, the answer is time! Stuff from 2001 was six years old in 2007; it's now sixteen years old in 2017. To a new generation, songs from the 80s now classify as "oldies"... so stuff from the late 90s and early 2000s now merits "classic" status.


Now, don't let this change deter you guys. The Classic Video Thread has unearthed some real gems. Keep posting them. But if you see something interesting from the turn of the century feel free to put it there too.

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  • 1 year later...

I've moved the International YouTube Findings from the International News forum over here and renamed it the International Video Thread. Hopefully that helps keep the Classic Video Thread especially a little more focused on US/Canada content (and things with relevance to the US).

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