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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/17 in all areas

  1. If you're referring to their old studio that they had from 1993 to 2011, "The Live w/ Kelly Studio" has been expanded. The old set (TV13B), has been gone for a while since 2011 I recall, as they've combined both studios together to create one large studio for the Live with Kelly show. Though I believe they did utilize the Live with Kelly space once for a special election night coverage but that was way back in 2008, but they haven't used it since.
    1 point
  2. I know but which ever one you choose, still... There's only ONE WGN.
    1 point
  3. No, it's no longer owned by the station. FTVLive had a little story on it last year. IIRC, this live truck was sh*t canned when Scripps took over.
    1 point
  4. I have shots of the same about 4 years ago shot on the corner of Meade and Washington in the University Heights / Hillcrest area.. I was told it belonged to Paul Andregg (Breaking News Tracker) and he was living in it. maybe it was John Coleman..... I forget.. But it's owned in the area.....and KGTV don't care..could it be one of the future Univision Vans just a lil refurb? I'm sure I was told it was a riot decoy needed now that Trump is prez. That thing is a chick magnet...I bet you could pick-up reporter chicks if you said you were a tree trimmer in that van.
    1 point
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