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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/19 in Posts

  1. Yeah! And let's bring back those casting couches... But this time put those neato plastic covers on them like at my Grandmas house, so nobody gets V.D.
    2 points
  2. KTRK will be airing the full two hours of Saturday GMA in one block from 7-9 am. It'll be interesting to see how the weekend show adapts to an extended format considering the second hour GMA is heavily centered around entertainment, celebrity guests and a studio audience (things that are typically not available on the weekends). I know finances are an issue but the weekend show should really move back to Times Square, the cramped WNT studio their in is not a good look for morning TV.
    1 point
  3. Seems like it's been a minute since a cable provider has had a dispute. It's more of a regional patchwork unlike Dish and AT&T since it varies market-by-market. I don't think I've ever seen Xfinity get into a dispute with any local channel, then again I'm pretty sure they just do whatever the broadcaster wants and then pass the fee along to the consumer with their broadcast TV surcharge....
    1 point
  4. TV was far more watchable when we had three main networks. Cable has diluted talent to the point where practically everything everywhere sucks.
    1 point
  5. I can see it now. A 2:07 am newscast called "3 News: Let's Go Get Some BBQ and Get Busy" or "3 News: A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich." It would feature TV and movie clips fitting to news stories with popular tunes as news music. It would be dope! (By the way, I'm being sarcastic)
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I finished the annual rewatch of Today's 9/11/01 coverage yesterday. That Katie and Matt were kept on air from 7 am - 12 pm is a testament to how respected they were as a duo who could juggle the fun parts of the program, but were also absolute pros at breaking news. Tom Brokaw joined them after about 1.5 hours and instead of letting him take over, Katie and Matt remained front and center. Especially when you consider that ABC and CBS cut away from their morning show teams within the first hour and their flagship anchors took over (Peter Jennings, Dan Rather). I've read before that Today was watched by 40 million Americans at the height of the attack coverage, not that that's anything to necessarily brag about. I'm not entirely sure if it's because the duo anchored during the coming of the technology age, but Katie and Matt might be the best team in Today's history. Additionally, YouTube is full of some really great world and national history network news coverage. I encourage everyone to check some of it out. I was in second grade during 9/11/01 and while I remember the day itself, I was too young to remember the context of the news other than the images. Haunting yet fascinating stuff.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Good Afternoon America was probably the best. That said, over the last few years ABC has gone heavy on the acronym, ditching most references to "Good Morning America" in favor of "G-M-A." So, in that sense, the fact that they came up with 'GMA3' is not terribly surprising. (Not far off from GMA Day.) GMA3 sounds like the strain of a virus your doctor would vaccinate you for.
    1 point
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