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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/19 in Posts

  1. WNBC has done some updates to the studio. They added a silver frame around the large video screen. The higher floor for the area to the left of the news desk has been removed and they added sliver molding to the bottom of the walls. The desk next to the left of the video wall was not there today.
    2 points
  2. What is it with crimes against local broadcast journalists? This is sick.
    1 point
  3. Live on Lakeside isn't doing much better either.
    1 point
  4. Don't forget Hometeam 19/43, 43 The Block, numerous attempts from WKYC (5:30, Weekday Fever, multiple attempts at a one-hour 6pm newscast), Today's Morning Exchange, any of WEWS' in-house attempts to replace Ted Henry, Cleveland Television News (WOIO and WUAB's merged newsroom circa 1995), and so on. Am I missing anything? Speaking of ei8ht is News, here are commercials from when WJW was transitioning from that branding to FOX 8. Even the announcer was calling it "Fox ei8ht is News."
    1 point
  5. I'm not convinced the FTVLIve story is accurate, simply because I can't imagine anyone high up in the company would have allowed WKYC's blanket rebrand to go through were that the case.
    1 point
  6. At least WJZY was an upstart with nowhere to go but up.....but it started when they began doing a real newscast and not their half baked effort.... WKYC? They're like "let's take a station that rose from the doldrums of "farm teaming" talent into a well executed, polished, informative news operation....and trash it all for some young cheap talent who knows cool buzz words and social media...and some new pretty graphics!"
    1 point
  7. This whole WKYC thing is a better-executed version of what Fox tried (and failed) to do in Charlotte....
    1 point
  8. It seems like a weird cross of the Tonight Show and View. If Jay is the only host, what is Hollie doing there? She's in the entire show. I give them props for creating something unique with the open and show title. "Lunch Break" isn't a bad name for a midday show at all. The glare on the monitor array needs to be fixed ASAP. Although it's only the first show and changes will have to be made, it still seems doomed to fail.
    1 point
  9. The Morning Exchange comparison is the most interesting observation of the bunch - because that's a format that has and can worked well in Cleveland and attract some new eyeballs.
    1 point
  10. I can see it now. A 2:07 am newscast called "3 News: Let's Go Get Some BBQ and Get Busy" or "3 News: A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich." It would feature TV and movie clips fitting to news stories with popular tunes as news music. It would be dope! (By the way, I'm being sarcastic)
    1 point
  11. It's amateur hour at "Circle thin 3".
    1 point
  12. I think this looks absolutely fantastic. The logo, the graphics, everything looks really really fresh. While I can't speak to the content this is the sort of thing I really want to see more of in broadcast graphic design.
    1 point
  13. And then this guy shows up
    1 point
  14. What works in WKYC's favor is that they've remained a strong station. This isn't a dog station like WTSP, WUSA or KNTV... WKYC has become a valiant competitor to WJW since the late 1990s and that hasn't waned. I'm from Cleveland. I've seen too many stations get boring McGraphics and get the same basic look. The 2007 Fox O&O package, the 2008 Gannett package, the 2009 Scripps package and the 2014 Raycom package were among the more boring visual looks possible... harmless, but boring. This is... audacious. It's easily the best look for a local TV station I've seen since the JcB WOIO nineteen era of the late 1980s. And seeing how the logo is presented, it's both static but fluid... it's a literal contradiction. The NBC peacock is ... well... proudly a part of this, WKYC is showing their history and NBC ties and doing rather creative ways to emphasize it. Furthermore, leveraging the WKYC calls in tandem with "3 News" is equally commendable. The calls have value and cachet in the market. WKYC is doing their own thing with Tegna's full blessing, pouring money and resources into the operation. Funny thing is, when you invest in a station and hire people with bona fide credentials, that causes people to tune in! WKYC was the beneficiary of that under Multimedia and Gannett, and it continues today. And I can't let it be unsaid that Channel 3, then as KYW-TV, tried a rather revolutionary approach to TV news in 1959, 60 years ago. A little thing called "Eyewitness", a 90 minute newsblock that was so earth-shattering, WEWS' Dorothy Fuldheim was compelled to launch a competing newscast in response.
    1 point
  15. It is the “mastermind” of a gent with no broadcast design experience who admitted he “didn’t watch broadcast news.” https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-forgetta-a2313b44 Their “Director of Content’s” claim to fame is the 4th hour of Today. https://www.cleveland.com/tv-blog/2018/08/today_show_producer_adam_miller_named_director_of_content_at_wkyc.html As for GM Micki Byrnes? How could she let this happen? Gotta wonder what her husband (former WKYC GM Brooke Spectorsky) thinks of this evolution...
    1 point
  16. I saw that af the end of last night's 11pm show too. But for how long? They always find a way to cook these numbers.....
    1 point
  17. Come on 8..... Come on 8......
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Well, so far, the open is a hot mess. And Lynna Lai's story about the old look being "so 2018...." Sound effects aren't going to change my mind. The old look LOOKS better and does a much better job trying to explain the story.
    1 point
  20. I'll give it a chance. But I'm a firm believer in if someone hypes something into oblivion, it better rock my socks off.
    1 point
  21. I'll give it a chance, reminds one of the "Square 3" when it was own by NBC ,saw one of the TV Guide ads on a facebook group
    1 point
  22. Well looks like Tegna is doing a custom graphics package for WKYC. It's actually not bad, tbh. Clean and simple.
    1 point
  23. My thoughts. The line up reminds me of cable programming. That's what more people want! Cable news!! Also, about the logo, anybody down for a game of pool? I call stripes!
    1 point
  24. It'll be later than 11pm because of SNF (hope the game goes to overtime so folks can sleep and not have to watch this trainwreck).
    1 point
  25. This was when the background was the 3 itself. Here are the backdrops themselves. Like I said before some of us can't stomach that Circle 3.
    1 point
  26. I love those pictures and how it looks. That said, I was at Giant Eagle tonight and maybe that's where they got the idea?
    1 point
  27. This explains a lot - the station’s creative director had no previous TV experience and admitted in this interview that he did not watch local TV. https://www.wkyc.com/mobile/article/entertainment/television/liveonlakeside/liveonlakeside/95-243d301f-06ca-4369-b280-50eafcfd45ca
    1 point
  28. I'll give 'KYC props - It takes guts to put up such a dull, bare-bones, unimpressive logo across the building as if it'll last long
    1 point
  29. Some behind-the-scenes images... I bet it was difficult to put that logo on the cookies
    1 point
  30. I'd wish 'JHL would just take 'NCN's lead and honor the Network/Channel branding...
    1 point
  31. We'll keep the concepts to a minimum, but I will say, I'm very impressed by WTHR's upcoming Tegnafication.
    1 point
  32. FTVLive brings up another good point.... In the eyes of ratings, the "news" is going away and being replaced by these other-named shows. https://www.ftvlive.com/sqsp-test/2019/9/19/exclusive-cleveland-station-to-no-longer-have-newscasts All this is really doing is taking away any comparison to other newscasts....correct? Alas, instead of companies actually improving their products they just try and hide the problem by gaming the numbers....
    1 point
  33. This isn’t like WPVI removing MCTYW.
    1 point
  34. Complaints might get all the way into the double digits.
    1 point
  35. You can't even stomach this. But 1993 was the prime year for WKYC. I remember these logos.
    1 point
  36. This even seems like a classy promo these days. They should have done the reboot like WPXI did in 2006.
    1 point
  37. We really need to speak up to Tegna management and tell 'em we don't like changes on their local stations and demand that things on our stations need to be brought back and left alone. example: Leave the current WKYC logo alone, don't change it. Next, Reinstate "The Spirit of Texas" slogan back to WFAA, KHOU, and spread the Spirit slogan to Tegna Texas stations, and finally... get some better news sets from FX Group and/or BDI. Not some Tegna-Set-In-A-Box, and reinstate news themes (ex: KUSA News Package, Propulsion, The Tower, etc.) drop the C Clarity and gets some better news graphics.
    1 point
  38. Their soon-to-be-new logo? ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW??? WHAT THE F$&% IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? THIS is where we're at with broadcast logo design? There are things in life that just doesn't need to happen. This is one of them. Now I gotta update their Logopedia page with this painfully underwhelming abomination that ANYONE can recreate in Powerpoint in just under ten seconds... It hasn't debuted yet and it's already giving every bad station logo a run for their money; yes, even this logo from station KXDF-CD. TROIKA EVEN MADE YOU A LOGO! AND IT'S 999,999,999X BETTER THAN WHAT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN!!! (image below) 1. This logo is so underwhelming and bland that I cannot just sit on the sidelines and let WKYC or Tegna get away with this. 2. What works in Great Britain doesn't always translate well in here in the US.
    1 point
  39. 3 ball...corner pocket.
    1 point
  40. Agreed. I like that they're trying something new with their news programs that don't look or sound monotonous (not a dig at stations that do have uniformed news program names as many are iconic) and I wish them luck. And the names aren't that bad (or rather bad at all) to me either. On the other hand... That is bad. It reminds me of the first logo of The U.K.'s Channel 5. But their logo works because it's a station where news isn't it's main focus. This station's logo does not work, because news is.
    1 point
  41. Or copied it from the New York MTA. I've seen some bad design decisions in my time - working in IT, its inevitable I suppose - but this...I can't even wrap my head around this one.
    1 point
  42. I can't even. And we thought the 11Alive logo or WFAArrow logo was bad. THIS CANNOT BE. (Maybe this conversation should move to a Graphics or TEGNA Corporate Thread?)
    1 point
  43. Someone saw the "3" in the universal film leader and decided 'hey, this is good enough'; It's just kind of blah...WISC did a much better rendition of the 'circle 3'...hopefully it has a little more life in actual use. I understand minimalism is the new thing, but this is absurd.
    1 point
  44. You got to be bleeping me. Seriously. What the hell is this?!! Forget the lottery ball, this is worse. It looks like they took the "3" from a sign out of a street corner. This is not a TV logo, it's an outdoor sign. I swear you can't get any worse than this. Pitiful. Just plain and extremely pitiful.
    1 point
  45. Oh. My. Gawd. Someone please tell me this is a placeholder logo, like what WTOL did a few months back. 3 Ball makes Lottery Ball 5 tolerable in comparison....
    1 point
  46. CBS 19 News with Denise Dufala and Gretchen Carlson. Lasted about a year perhaps? This was after Emmett Miller left and before they hired Kevin Cokely. Jack Marschall would later add WOIO's newscasts to his WUAB duties until the great Action News blowup of 2002. Was this after Bob Hetherington left? IIRC it was Charlene Brown and Yolanda Harris?
    1 point
  47. Move over, | | | | | | | | | s, > > > > > > > > > is the new trendy thing in town.
    1 point
  48. Nexstar needs THIS for its stations!
    1 point
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