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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/19 in Posts

  1. That speech bubble is one of the most stupid-looking things I’ve ever seen in news graphics.
    4 points
  2. I never understand reasoning like this. Graphics packages in the 21st century involve little more than new software and perhaps swapping out a server and a keyboard (plus training and replacing the library of stock elements). It’s not like you need a whole floor of printing presses and diesel generators. If WABC or anybody else wanted to make radical graphic changes at any point, they could and would. The thing to remember is, when you make a colossal overhaul of your graphic look, it affects more than lower thirds. If your whole look changes radically overnight, suddenly your whole libraries of full screens, banners, over the shoulders and franchise opens are dead. Add in promotion graphics and the rest of the station on air look (because it’s always tied to News), and you are literally reinventing the wheel. That means rebuilding everything before launch, or on the fly. Graphic looks are not like re-painting the living room. It’s building a whole new house. But a subtle change might give your lower thirds and banners a refreshed look, while preserving the possibly thousands of images in your library. Graphics created with the updated look will still blend in. And over time, everything will change. Until the next time. You might not like graphic updates that are only subtle changes. But from a practical point of view, they are the only kind that work and preserve sanity.
    3 points
  3. Their graphics are definitely on fleek. This should’ve been you, Scripps!
    2 points
  4. WVUE with the WAVE package would alright with me
    2 points
  5. It appears KXXV is bolding some of the type. Makes a difference.
    2 points
  6. Believe it or not, WBRE/WYOU is the only legacy Nexstar news operation takes the simulcast approach. And before you say KSNT/KTKA, that was done in the New Vision days and carried over into LIN, Media General, and now Nexstar. Most news ops like WKBN/WYTV, KODE/KSNF, KRBC/KTAB, etc actually air two SEPERATE newscasts but use the same reporters. Therefore, KWGN and KDVR could maintain seperate branding for a long, long time.
    1 point
  7. WBNS/Columbus has picked a familiar face to serve as chief meteorologist: morning meteorologist Ashlee Baracy. She steps in after the former chief was accused of possessing child porn. https://www.dispatch.com/entertainment/20191213/ashlee-baracy-takes-over-top-weather-post-at-wbns-tv
    1 point
  8. I remember the big affiliation switches of the mid 90s. Atlanta being my home market, I remember WAGA 5 ending its then 45-year union with CBS when they took Fox away from WATL 36. CBS got lucky in a sense in going to then WGNX 46 (now WGCL), despite the dilemma of CBS almost having nowhere to go. Next year will also be 40th anniversary of WSB 2 and WXIA 11 swapping out ABC and NBC.
    1 point
  9. WDAM looks okay, it could be far worse. Better than what WLOX has for sure. Usually, they're one of my "fringe" stations (along with WHLT which comes in more often), but reception is worse this time of year. Here's hoping WVUE gets something halfway decent. Bonus points if they work in purple (and put the final nail in WWL's coffin...)
    1 point
  10. Which again, would mean bad news to our streaming Pinoys!
    1 point
  11. I agree that's a whole lot of eggs in one basket, but the folks funding this operation must be aware of that possibility. Do you think CNN even considers them a remote threat? Heck No! I don't have a clue who is really behind the whole deal, but the funding seems to be there for now. There must be some timetable for the growth, and a aggressive business plan. This could easily migrate via OTA into a solid diginet once it get a bit more polished. Viewers sure don't seem to care about visual and audio quality much anymore as you of all people know (winky guy emoji). But does anyone (here) remember that first year of CNN? The first year of CNN they would take anything...and air everything, no matter how bad it was, or where it was produced. A bunch of real crappy TV from all over the USA flowed into Atlanta. Taped packages arrived by Greyhound bus ,mail, Federal Express or Airborne Express. A bunch of small time reporters also got some huge breaks when CNN aired those packages from those small markets. CNN also aired some real gems during that time, including portions of one reporters resume tape by mistake one late evening. Train up these kids and their network, and In a few years maybe Sinclair or Byron will buy them. I'm paying very close attention to them.
    1 point
  12. 90% of their content comes from CNN Newsource (which is a bizarre arrangement itself.) If CNN gets worried, they can essentially kill the network by yanking their access to Newsource. Newsnet wouldn't have anything left to broadcast.
    1 point
  13. Do not hold out hope for Move Closer To Your World sticking around. Tegna (then Gannet) shattered my dreams when it ripped the Spirit Of Texas out from under WFAA for no good reason at all. This company’s main goal in life is to take away anything that made a station unique, watchable and likable and replace it with cheaply designed, grossly underpaid, non-focus grouped cow manure. Thus, they will take great pleasure in sending MCTYW down the Lougee Loo and replacing it with their new age scat-snap-and-clap-fest as the viewers of NE PA light their torches and call for some heads—that I can assure you. They will spit in the faces of their valued viewers and laugh as they smash WNEP under their boots. As an aside, can someone please bring back Belo? I will buy you lunch! (For context: I’m not some old fart reminiscing about the good old days. I’m in my early-mid twenties, you know, the demographic Tegna is trying to reach with their crap. Just sayin’.) Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
    1 point
  14. This article confirms that CBS ordered WFMY to start CTM at 7am. Andy Griffith is now on weekends.
    1 point
  15. Because calling it "The Five" was already taken.
    1 point
  16. As far as WATN goes, it's not really like getting bought by Tegna could make things much worse. But stations like KFSM have a lot to lose by being under Tegna ownership. For example, KFSM has been a reliable news station for years in NW Arkansas. Now, Tegna might change that. And as for WNEP, Tegna would be incredibly foolish if they dumped MCTYW as their theme. The viewers will not be happy if they did, and I wouldn't blame them. It's a great theme and a great asset to the station. At the least, I'd expect the station to get standardized with graphics. We'll see what Tegna does about the music, but I'm not holding my breath much that Tegna makes the wise call
    1 point
  17. Well if they bring back ole Andy Griffin then they might have ratings jump through the roof. That used to be their lead in
    1 point
  18. Oh how could I forget that Tony Reali experiment that lasted all of 2 days? It’s crazy to think about what’s changed in the last 5 years. I would really like to see TJ Holmes step into a much larger role with the show. He’s got much more of the gravitas and charisma that Michael just doesn’t have. He also plays really well off of whoever he’s on set no matter who they are.
    1 point
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