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  1. Byron Allen's media empire could be subject FCC and congressional investigations and paying hefty fines to the FCC over this apparent violation of not serving the best interests local TV viewing audiences. At this point, Allen would probably be smart to sell his local TV stations off to companies that can operate stations that would adhere to serving public interests in good faith, and building up new groups of up-and-coming content creators.
  2. I'd be on board with CBS allowing its affiliates to have the full Noon-1PM Eastern time slot for local midday news... The Price Is Right remain in its 11AM Eastern time slot... and CBS shifting The Young & The Restless to 1PM Eastern time... The Bold & The Beautiful moving to 2PM Eastern time... and The Gates at 2:30PM Eastern time. I'd also be okay with CBS parting ways with Let's Make A Deal to accommodate CBS Mornings Plus, and affiliates having the option to air it at 9AM or 10AM.
  3. Rebekka Schramm was with WANF during the Clear News era, then the back-and-forth CBS Atlanta/CBS 46 eras, and Atlanta News First. Not sure whether she may show up at a competing station later on or if she's leaving the news business entirely to try something new. Hopefully Schramm remains in Atlanta.
  4. Nexstar would have to sell off a few stations in order to acquire any additional stations they see as lucrative and keep WPIX.
  5. With Dana Tyler's time at CBS2 coming to a close. Hopefully this isn't goodbye for Dana, assuming she decides to show up at one of the competing NYC stations (NBC4, FOX5, ABC7, or PIX11) for I believe she's got a few more years left in reporting news. Wishing Dana all the best.
  6. Another thought could be CBS & the Bell family expanding B&B to 1 hour, and The Gates be a half-hour soap. It'll be interesting to see what CBS might be planning.
  7. It'll be interesting to see how those soon-to-be former CW affiliates that are CBS O&O will do as independent stations. It's been nearly 17 years since The WB and UPN went away when they merged to create The CW. I miss seeing those 2 networks as independent entities, and we all know they're not coming back. We can likely expect call letter changes for some of the affected stations to phase out any CW references. The next couple of months will be interesting.
  8. We can see that Gray is putting forth the effort to make WANF a competitive local station. We didn't see Tribune (during the WGNX era) and Meredith (during the WGCL era) doing much investing in the station. Tribune had originally wanted the station to be an affiliate of the now defunct WB network, but settled with CBS in an 11th hour deal as CBS wanted a station viewers were more familiar with and had a functioning news operation. They weren't very motivated in adding additional newscasts outside of Noon, 6PM, & 11PM. Meredith, while they may have added morning, 5PM, & 4PM newscasts on main station, and prime-time newscast on WPCH (Peachtree TV), they're remembered for the failed Clear News experiment, to the the back-and-forth between CBS Atlanta and CBS 46 brandings, and being a revolving door station when it came to retaining on-air talents. Gray, which is Atlanta-based, sees potential with adding 9AM, 3PM, and 7PM newscasts to the main station, and adding 7-9AM newscast and expanding prime-time news on WPCH, and not relying too heavily on CBS. WANF has potential to beat WXIA (known as 11Alive), which has seen better days, and some may even jokingly refer to as "11Dead". WAGA (Fox 5) and WSB (Channel 2 Action News) are the top 2 stations.
  9. The CBS News Detroit set doesn't look too bad. Graphics is okay. As is the new This Is CBS News Theme. With WWJ-TV returning to in-house local news production, I kind of pick up a WIAT 42 Daily News type vibe with the new CBS News Detroit newscast, from the starting out with 2 daily newscasts (at 6PM and 11PM), to having a small reporting staff. Hopefully CBS has plans to grow its presence in Detroit, considering local news/programming production is typically cheaper to produce and more profitable than acquiring nationally syndicated shows these days. I don't know what to make of CBS going in the direction of "CBS News (market name)" for local newscasts, when viewers would be used to the "CBS (channel number)", or station call letters, or the "Eyewitness Action News" brandings on local newscasts.
  10. With WGCL (soon-to-be WFNA) dropping "CBS" branding and eye logo... It wouldn't surprise me if CBS affiliation was to change channels in Atlanta at some point. "Atlanta News First" does kind of give off a similar vibe to WJZY which has "Queen City News" as its branding.
  11. That is true. It would seem like WABC must not be motivated in making that change. WNBC retired their talent intros in their main news opens 15 years ago. The majority of other local TV stations across the country ended that practice back in the mid 90s. Other than WABC... WPVI has introduced their talents in their main news openings, although I see them scaling back on it in certain newscasts. WPVI could opt for simple "Live with the Delaware Valley's Leading News Program. Channel 6 Action News starts now." News opening retain visuals of Delaware Valley surroundings and MCTYW music. WLS did talent introductions in their main openings, which has also since been changed a few years ago to simple news opening and talent montage piece when the newscast goes to or returns from its first commercial.
  12. It'd be interesting to see whether CBS would put The Young & The Restless and The Bold & The Beautiful over on Paramount+ at some point if their days on CBS is numbered. We discussed in the NBC News Daily thread Peacock the idea of that streaming service acquiring P&G soaps. I especially miss seeing Another World, As The World Turns, and Guiding Light. Even though GL may have been on life support in its last few years on the air, ATWT and AW were getting better when they ended. I think if P&G had allowed CBS or NBC buy ownership of them, those shows would've been on a few years longer or still be on. Another idea I've thought of would've been for them to be shorten to half-hour in length.
  13. It's a lucky thing that Days Of Our Lives is getting a new lease on life via Peacock streaming service. I'd welcome seeing Peacock perhaps exploring acquiring rights to do reruns of classic Procter & Gamble soaps, including any and all surviving episodes of Another World, Search For Tomorrow, The Edge Of Night, Guiding Light, and As The World Turns... Or maybe bringing certain shows back for new half-hour episodes. I certainly miss seeing the soaps and don't really care for the major TV networks going for cheaper fanfare.
  14. I'm on the fence when it comes to CBS experimenting with that Now newscast concept on its Independent, CW, and My-Network-TV stations. I came across an interesting video on YouTube of what could be described as a mock CBS O&O intro. I doubt we'd be seeing this show up on CBS O&O stations. I'll admit that it looks great and could easily pass for CBS O&O graphics and opening package. We'll have to wait and see what CBS rolls out to its stations in the Fall.
  15. With COVID-19 dominating the news cycle. WNYW Fox 5 NY appears to have made a change to its 10PM opening. Instead of the standard "It's 10PM do you know where your children are?", NYC viewers will be seeing... "It's 10PM, stay home, stay safe, stay strong, we're all in this together." Video:
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