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Everything posted by Weeters

  1. If I recall correctly, you have to push a button on the clicker to activate MagicTrak, which is what the hand-tracking thing is called. MagicTrak only works well when you use your whole open hand to point... That's why it was having issues when he was pointing with one finger. You probably won't see "new maps" if they're just replacing an old system... The WSI maps have looked pretty much the same for years, and stations don't have a lot of options to change how they look, especially in markets where the other stations are using WSI systems.
  2. As far as graphics go, KTVU was able to adopt the O&O look as fast as it did only because they were in the process of switching to Chyron when the sale was announced. All FOX had to do was install their templates and get AXIS set up.
  3. Looks like Scripps intends to keep VizRT at the former Journal stations, as they are looking for people with Viz experience for the hub in Tampa.
  4. Well it's happened again and I've broken off discussion of the rumors of The Now going on hiatus to it's own thread. http://forums.tvnewstalk.net/index.php?/topic/14600-rumor-the-now-to-go-on-hiatus/
  5. Because a new set is a pretty big deal, discussion has been split to it's own thread. http://forums.tvnewstalk.net/index.php?/topic/14567-new-set-at-wpix/
  6. Yeah. This seems like a good idea. How long until anchors are fronting stories about "The Top Ten Things The Government Did That You Won't Even"
  7. That's a Hothaus promo if I ever saw one. It was more than likely shot in Dallas at Hothaus' studio.
  8. And to further prove my point... https://vimeo.com/user13786065
  9. That clears up who is/was behind the "Blue Helio" name, but there are still many questions left unanswered, like why they have no public presence and why nobody seems to take credit for their stuff (Ruth's Behance profile has the one package that doesn't mention anyone else while the other stuff she has mentions people she worked with, like Cake Studios). And until we get some more answers, it will remain... a mystery. [yt]YQpLNCRIxWA[/yt]
  10. Last I heard, Blue Helio was ONE former GO designer and it was set up just to get around some legal issue. Ruth Dial, also formerly of GO, does graphics packages too. The KTSP package that debut in December that people attributed to "Blue Helio" is listed on her Behance profile. I believe she also did WLS' package. I don't know if she was behind "Blue Helio", but from what I was told, nobody is actively operating as "Blue Helio". Nobody's going to operate a design company that has no information available online. I think there are probably a few former GO people out there doing stuff on their own.
  11. Sounds like the automation is working flawlessly as usual.
  12. There was a monitor there as recently as two weeks ago. You can see the logo inset in the desk animate in this video: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153581516393797&permPage=1
  13. Wasn't there a monitor in that space before? If that was there prior to the old panel re-appearing, I can pretty much tell you what happened right now: the monitor died and they needed something to fill that spot. No time to get a new panel printed, just slap the old one in there and stick a light behind it. Done.
  14. This is a (very poorly drawn, not to scale) diagram of the studio as it is used today and what I saw last time I saw it (a little over a year ago). The plasma cart used to live in the area that's marked "storage chairs and tables and junk". I think they still use the windows along Dearborn as a presentation area, so it's possible the cart is still in there for those. I think there was an additional static camera somewhere in there, too. The riser really cuts the studio in half as robotic cameras can't maneuver around it without an operator controlling them manually.
  15. Because at this point it's been damaged beyond the point of having an easy fix. The fake monitor wall backdrop has been gone since the ill-conceived "Monsters and Money in the Morning" debut. The OTS monitor that was on the right side was ripped out around the same time they first started experimenting with the desk in it's current spot. This is an old picture, but it probably still looks like that. Notice the lack of lights hanging anywhere above the old anchor area. CBS put a lot of money (Jack Morton PDG ain't cheap) into a set that local management utterly destroyed while simultaneously deciding they just didn't like the studio at all. So not only is it unlikely that they'll want to improve the set, corporate probably worries that whatever money they get to fix/build a new set will be squandered when someone else comes in and decides they don't like the set.
  16. I wonder if they also have specific requirements as to when they use the studio. If they dislike that studio so much, you'd think they'd have already pulled a NBC5 and do all the evening shows from Studio B or a newsroom set. I'm pretty sure the reason the set hasn't been restored to how it was is because someone would have to admit they made a mistake and wasted money wrecking the thing to begin with (i.e. the failure that was the financial morning show). A lot of people in the industry seem to think their set was constructed to be used the way they currently use it, I wouldn't be shocked if that's what they're telling the CBS executives too.
  17. The WKBW-centric discussion from this thread has been broken off and moved to it's own theread. http://forums.tvnewstalk.net/index.php?/topic/14185-scripps-overhauls-wkbw/
  18. There are two or three Artworks channels.
  19. In most cases, whatever's going on, regardless of company size, should get it's own thread. Company matters here, individual station matters in General TV. For example, let's say XYZ Corp is meging with KableCorp. That should be posted here. KableCorp clearing house at WXXX after the merger would go in General TV as it's own thread. The "general thread" concept is fundamentally broken and wasn't really supposed to end up outside of the NY board, where they were supposed to serve as a catch-all for really small things that didn't warrant a new thread. Now everything's messed up I'm slowly trying to correct it. I don't want to tell anyone what they can and can't post. If you want to post a scathing review of the bathrooms at Sinclair's HQ, you're welcome to, just post a new thread about it!
  20. Those don't look like monitors or even RP. They barely look lit from behind at all (The pieces running along the top are casting shadows onto the image). I'd be surprised to see that they change.
  21. That set looks like it's probably been around for a while. You can see the old graphics all over it. I'd bet it's part of an contingency plan in case something drastic happened to the street level studio. Though why they're using it now is anyone's guess. I bet if the "car incident" happened an hour earlier, they would have been on this set that night.
  22. A hardware changeover would just swapping different cables into the switcher frame, something that would have been done before well before that day for rehearsals. If they kept the same hardware, it's just a matter of loading different templates. I remember a couple of years ago, WDJT accidentally reverted to a previous graphics package's lower third during severe weather coverage. Apparently someone never bothered to clear it out of the Chyron. Whoops!
  23. Nah, it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/FkxYBMIh.jpg I can't recall what they used before 2011, but the link above is just the latest incarnation of what they've been using since then.
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