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Everything posted by nicksair

  1. LAX Shooting highlights. 3 people injured. Including 1 TSA agent. Suspect in custody, shot in the leg appearantly. Passengers who were inside T1/T2/T3 at the time were either evacuated to TBIT's bus gates by going across the ramp somehow or told to return to their respective terminals and shelter in place. LAPD West and South Bureaus are on Tactical Alert at this time. Additionally CHP has asked that all remain clear of the 405 and 105 around the airport so further resources have no further h...
  2. You know, i've been having this act lately of walking into someones life, and providing advice and comfort that somehow puts a smile on their face and lets them know everything on this planet will be alright. You have the right people around you to make you laugh, put your mind on something happy for a brief moment before what is sometimes a harsh reality sets back in. Just remember, you are never alone on this planet. You always have people looking out for you in many ways and forms. Just re...
  3. By the way, all i care about sportswise until Pitchers and Catchers report in February is Hockey. That is all. Oh, and forgot to add this, #BostonStrong.
  4. Having one of those weeks where the smile hasnt let up on my face all week long. A lot of good things have fallen into place lately. With some more pieces of the puzzle called life falling into place in the coming weeks maybe. But alas one shouldnt forget that those pieces in the puzzle can change dramatically in part to outside factors. If they do, just go with the flow, follow the path assigned to you for the time being. In time it will change again. But the people around you wont. :-)
  5. BART Strike is over as of 4am tomorrow morning...
  6. Homeward in a bit. Stopping in Nipomo along US101 for some Santa Maria BBQ. Nice day for driving.
  7. Dinner with a side of shenanigans!
  8. Off to the Bay in the morning for the weekend.. United this time instead of driving up. Driving home however..
  9. Eyewitness News is coming back! http://www.robertfeder.com/2013/10/16/abc-7-looks-forward-to-return-of-eyewitness-news/
  10. There were a couple people that i felt that went out of their way to make sure a problem i had to deal with today ended up with a wonderful conclusion. It did. You know who you are. Thank you. :-)
  11. Attention please. Justin and Nathan Moreau have arrived in Southern California. That is all.
  12. Bud Selig out after the end of the '14 season? Thank god.
  13. 2 more days until Justin Moreau makes a return appearance to the West Coast, and Nathan Moreau makes his introductory trip out to this part of the country.
  14. Will's birthday dinner!!!
  15. 3 screwdrivers later, I'm in my happy place. Also, happy birthday to one of the most important people in my life next to my parents. Will, you are literally the kid brother I never had. Love you. :-)
  16. I thought i was staying put after the trips to the east... oh wait, i am. Just the other home. Drive up to The Bay tomorrow for someones birthday. Josh Ruby will be my wingman in the right seat after a stop in Los Angeles.
  17. Downloading LOWI to my phone! If you aren't an Apple and avgeek like I am, you have issues.
  18. I haven't had a night like this in 4 years where speaking your mind about philosophical things in life with a soul you're just getting to know has made a friendship blossom into something special. To say I am blessed with some amazing soulful people in my life is an understatement at this very moment.
  19. Time to get this road trip underway! First stop tonight. IND. Looks like we're gonna be taking the central route out west. (I-80)
  20. The drive homeward begins.... NOW!
  21. For my avgeek friends - That moment in the morning when you type in an airport code to a friend, and your iPhone autocorrects it to RNP. In your mind you go, holy crap! My iPhone is becoming as much of a plane geek as me!
  22. Don't know what it is. But the combining smells of jet fuel, warm humidity, and an ocean breeze is very intoxicating today. Oh. Throw in some monsoonal moisture into the fray as well.
  23. I love how trips get planned in less than 20 minutes sometimes. Up to the bay next weekend to geek out and ride BART overnight while the Bay Bridge is closed, and do an Oakland A's game with Jeff Merski and hopefully Sean Moran! :-)
  24. Bob Filner has finally and officially resigned as Mayor of the City of San Diego. He's calling this a coup, etc. I'm just glad hes gone so we can move on, due process or not.
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