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Everything posted by nicksair

  1. My East Coast friends! If you are able to do so, im gonna be going to Raleigh the weekend of March 8th for my birthday. I am planning a party/lunch-kinda thing for March 9th, if you are able to come down or up, depending on your direction, let me know! I'm doing it in the afternoon that in case some of you non-rev to RDU, you can make it a day trip and return home the same day. Just let me know if any of you guys are interested!
  2. "I truly believe there is more to a person on the inside then out, unfortunately as time goes on our features on the outside show a little wear and tear. But what never changes no matter how old we get are the most amazing features on the inside" - JRB. Truth.
  3. Just gonna put an advanced notice up that when i head up for Oregon on Monday the 28th, im gonna go "ATC ZERO", "Off the Grid", whatever you want to call it for a couple weeks. Just need some time away from social media and its antics. If you need me, those that know, do know how to reach me.
  4. While all of you enjoy and/or bicker about the BCS championship game, i'm waiting patiently for Opening Day in 84 days thank you very much!
  5. Take a moment to step back and look at the life you have around you once during the day. Be thankful of the blessings you have in your life. Soulmates, parents, the ability to travel to see the people you love and cherish the most. Never take any of those things for granted. And don't let anyone hold you back from what you want to do and what you believe is right for your life.
  6. GIANTS WIN!!!!!!! GIANTS WIN!!!!!!!!!! THEY DID IT!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
  7. 1 more GIANTS!!!! LETS DO THIS! :-D
  9. The hell with the debate!!! GIANTS!!!!! :-D
  10. Per the request of Mr. Grant. I sadly forgot to to this yesterday.
  11. Great flight home thus far, got a decent nap in so the drive home from LAX is more bearable.
  12. off to LAX after a bit to help Chris Grant and i believe Matthew Smith satisfy their In-N-Out Cravings!
  13. Off to Vegas to babysit the cousins kids for the night. My Vegas peeps Carl BlackDynamite Marshall, Patrick Seraphin, Francisco Eufemia, i wont have time to hang out and what not. I'll give you guys more notice next time when i do visit and have more time!
  14. FYI, this is Bob Mayer's personal YT page if nobody knew that beforehand.
  15. There are those times in ones life that you know where and what your purpose is for your special friends/soulmates and their families. Today was that time. Of course these days happen because of a change of heart and you need to care and support them whatever way you can. Be it moving someone you care for from place to place, or just having coffee with them. You make it known that you are there for them in any way, shape or form. They do the same for you in return. :-)
  16. I have made over $3000 over the 4 days I have volunteered at this drive. Cant February come sooner?
  17. The past couple of days have once again reminded me of how precious i am to have such an amazing group of friends in my life. I haven't traveled far so far this summer. Perhaps theres a reason that hasnt fully shown itself behind why that is. Regardless, i know where my place is in life, and most importantly, where the most important people are in my life. In my heart and soul. Even when they're halfway across the world, they're right next to me in spirit, and means of communication like Face...
  18. Sharing a bottle of wine and a great dinner with a good friend. Yeah, this caps a pretty good weekend and trip so far. :-)
  19. After this evening, i realized that it really has been too long of me staying away from Colorado, and Denver. I'll be back soon, for a longer visit.
  20. Very pleased with my performance on the 1.6 mile walk/power-walk/light jog i did along San Diego Bay this early evening. Took about an hour but was worth it. Legs barely whimpered this time around unlike my first jog that i did 2 weeks ago. Also proud of the fact that i did 1.3 miles in under 5 minutes on a stationary bike at PT on Tuesday. I think a gym membership is in my future. Time for weights and more! :-D
  21. 2 walks today. One .3 miles and 20 minutes. The other one .5 and 25 minutes. Legs are starting to get used to walking every day or every other day.
  22. Not to bode. But im proud of the fact that i was able to mostly jog 0.75 miles today. It was hard, but over time, i expect it to be less hard and more fun. Overall, i jogged/walked 1.50 miles today along the bay here in SD.
  23. Such an amazing flight thus far... What my soul has needed after a grueling past couple days. About to decent overhead LAX at FL290 or above then the. Rest of the HUBRD arrival. To my friends, thanks for your kind words over the past few days regarding my friend Dominic. Your words have touched me greatly.
  24. Howdy peeps... safely in Seattle after a long but wonderful roadtrip up the 5 from The Bay to here. Homeward on Alaska 484 tomorrow night. Gonna enjoy tomorrow up in Downtown. H/t to Dan Leavitt for inviting me on this trip. It has been amazing. I've loved every minute of it.
  25. I wasn't going to post anything till Saturday as most of you know. But to hear the news that one of your dearest friends has passed away, you need to take a moment to reflect on the friendship you had with this person. I've had many wonderful experiences with Dominic over the years that we've known each other. I'll never forget those times. I think the mutual friends we had wont either. In closing, he will never be forgotten by us even years after this day. If you have a friend(s) like thi...
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