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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. KINGS!!!!!! :-D THE CUP COMES TO LA!!!!!
  2. "If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time." - Marcel Proust. Thank you for this Will.
  3. Delta will be leasing the 88 717's currently owned by Southwest Airlines subsidiary AirTran. Details and a PR forthwith. The final chapter of the Long Beach plant will still live on. :-)
  4. I really dont want to leave Oregon... Thank god its not far away from home.
  5. Long night and little sleep driving an amazing soul to his plane hes working today in Seattle from his house 200 miles away. No big deal. Halfway to Salem now on the return trip! And that soul, you know who you are. :)
  6. As I sit here at a bar I've never been to before here in Salem, I'm once again reminded of the blessings I have been given so far in my life. The friends I have, the priveladges that have been bestowed upon me (such as being able to come up to Oregon on a whim). And, first and foremost, being able to walk and explore on this planet every single day. One must never forget that the way you live your life is your own choice. Nobody else's. Just live life to its fullest and enjoy it while you can.
  7. Happy 52nd birthday to my mom Sandra Reed! We had a wonderful dinner out this evening at our favourite Chinese restaurant. Really couldn't ask for anything more. :-)
  8. Whats that you say? I have to take an sCOA 737-700 to SFO tomorrow? Sure! I'm fine with that. I think..
  9. LA for the evening to meet up with the man with "No Standards".. Chris Grant and Matthew Smith. God help me as Jeff Merski suggested i do so.
  10. to my VATSIM friends, i need some volunteers to test out some new SIDS's we have out of LAX if you have the latest AIRAC! Message me for details.
  11. No Rose City this weekend. However, that is only on hold for a short time till later this month. :-) Though, a meeting will take place at SMO with Gene Cao, Tucker Lambert, and Brendan Farmer Sunday. Looking forward to that!
  12. Looks like today is not my day to fly... oh well. Have to give it a shot anyways.
  13. Great night out with peeps. Cant wait to do it again soon! :-)
  14. Enroute to Hillcrest to have a night on the town with a couple people. I seriously need to do this more often.
  15. A week till im off on my next adventure. From America's Finest City (SAN), connecting through the Mile High City (DEN), to the Emerald City (SEA), then overnighting there before going to the City of Roses! (PDX). :-)
  16. Thanks to all for the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday! Nothing has changed as i turned a quarter century old. And to be perfectly honest, i dont think anything will. The past quarter century of growing up to be the person i am today has been at times, grueling, and always adventurous. To another 25 years.... wait.. to just being here and now, with all the wonderful souls and people i have in my life. Again, thank you guys. It was just amazing to read all of the greetings on my drive home....
  17. Starting my 9+ hr drive home to the Southland. To all the amazing souls who wished me a happy birthday thusfar, thank you, thank you, thank you. :-)
  18. Staying in my favorite place in this world of ours for another day. Driving home tomorrow on my birthday, no big deal. :-)
  19. Wasn't able to go up for as long as we wanted to today because of LOWCIGS around the Bay that kept getting lower and lower, plus a nice 19kt gust out of the southwest on final back to SQL. Total time in '14L, 1.0 hrs, SQL-LVK-SQL. Soon enough i'll be back in the air again. :-)
  20. Bay Area flying today in a wonderful Cessna 182 with Tucker Lambert and Gene Cao!! Supporting cast in other airplanes will be Lucas Dziesinski, and i believe James Hewlett.
  21. To hell with flying this weekend up to the Bay.. another Road trip people! Leave tomorrow afternoon sometime.
  22. Nothing like heading to the Bay Area this Saturday to start some early celebrations of my 25th birthday! :-) Apparently Gene Cao, Lucas Dziesinski, and Tucker Lambert have something planned for me?
  23. Curve balls regarding life sometimes need to be caught to see the real reason why it was thrown at you in the first place. The question though is, when do you know when to catch the right one, rather, the correct one, at the right time?
  24. Off to LA today to visit an old friend i havent seen in a couple years. An overnight actually. To my UAL peeps, hope the SHARES transition has gone over smoothly for all involved.
  25. "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart." - Credit goes to Dan Leavitt and the posting of this quote on his wall.
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