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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Looks like an overnight is required here folks.
  2. Those expecting my end of year note. Don't worry. I'm working on it. Sadly I have a case of writers block this year. :/
  3. There are simple reminders in a day that you shouldn't think onlym about your actions and your goings on you do day to day. There are the people that care for you that also need to be thought about just as much. A reminder of that to them can do a world of good to their heart and soul along with yours. Sometimes it's a tough balancing act. But in the end, the reward of having your friends, brothers, sisters, and soulmates pays off more than anyone could possibly imagine.
  4. I forgot to mention that the #nonrevlife that some of us lead. Has lead me to stay in Chicagoland for a few extra days. Am not complaining about that though!
  5. Surprised Crawley! Haven't seen him in over 3 years.
  6. Late night munchies.
  7. Last night out with these two. :-(
  8. I am so overwhelmed with all of this positive energy that has been surrounding me the past 3 days. I don't know what else to say. I am truly a blessed soul. With such amazing and caring friends, brothers, and soulmates. I haven't had such a late night out like this in Chicago in several years. It was just like old times with the right people. *sober post* BTW. ;-)
  9. Man. It's been ages since I've stepped foot into this place. So many memories and amazing nights spent here. With some equally amazing people. :-)
  10. Dive bar, suburban style.
  11. Tonight was a night that i thought would never happen. If you'd ask me a month and a half ago that I would let a certain someone come back into my life, I would've said no. Tonight was a culmination of all sorts of events that just let to a long awaited hug, laughter, dinner, drinks, and a pool game or two. I really don't know what else to say about my feelings other than that a void in my life has been filled again. And that possibly is the most important Christmas present I could've receive...
  12. Dinner. And catching up. :-)
  13. Haven't seen this guy for a while. :-)
  14. Ugh... Too early. Thank god for Starbucks Doubleshot.
  15. I'm not shopping. Mom is. It's surprisingly quiet. Not a bad time to come to shop.
  16. Off to Los Angeles for the evening..
  17. A funny thing about life i realized once again this evening/morning that you can simply pick up where you left off in a conversation you had with someone over 3 years ago. And it just feels like you talked yesterday. It is part of the reason i am going to bed at 4am. Nothing wrong with that from time to time. But alas.. im getting too old for these late bedtimes!!! Lol. :-)
  18. So glad to finally meet Jeran!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  19. Lunch with some of the best friends. :-)
  20. With some family for a day or so. :-)
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