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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Random and unusual for me. Anyone have an Uber discount code they'd like to part with?
  2. Dinner. Moms first time here.
  3. Los Angeles today with the mom tagging along.
  4. So, 2014 birthday trip. Up to Seattle 7th-9th of March, down to Portland on the 9th for an overnight, then SF on the 10th. Home that day more than likely. Plans in each town haven't been settled yet. But nothing crazy will be happening! Will be home for my actual birthday since its mid-week and people probably not being around to do anything. :-)
  5. Some time in Los Angeles will be happening today.
  6. Sorry to bombard all of your guys' newsfeeds with my #selfie's. Just doing some housecleaning!
  7. Some Snapseed edited HDR shots from Fridays flight over LAX on the Mini Route and SFRA. Thanks for the ride again Scott!!! :-)
  8. Spotting. Before heading home!
  9. Up to LA today to see Fred and Scotty today. Been a while since ive seen these two!
  10. Facebook's Paper app = Awesome. Lots of potential.
  11. Bring on the Baseball Season please. #kthxbai
  12. Obligatory Super Bowl post... Hawks. That is all.
  13. It's been a while.
  14. Great evening seeing some of the Delta Family thats part of my life! :-)
  15. To hell with stomach bugs. That is all.
  16. This isnt directed at any one person thats on my friends list. But someone off of it. A simple reminder that if you hear the words "none of your business", honor that. There is a reason i dont mention things to you of importance in my life. The people that need to know what goes on with my life, and how i conduct it know already. And remember, the saying, "what goes around, comes around" is true. Also, remember the negative energy that one can produce can come back and haunt you later in life.
  17. Starting down for LAX. Weather as follows if you all understand it. KSAN 030551Z 34003KT 1/8SM R09/1000V1200FT FG VV001 13/12 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP173 T01330122 10189 20133 53005. They're bussing everyone down. But I'm just gonna get a rental home.
  18. Dinner and catching up.
  19. Some tea and people watching on what is a nice day up here in Seattle.
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