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Status Updates posted by nicksair

  1. Going through a bottle of gin with one of your friends that you forgot how amazing is as speaking his/her mind on a warm summers night is an amazing experience that seldom happens. It's one of life's pleasures that everyone should enjoy once a year.
  2. First road trip up to the Bay Area in a little over a year tomorrow. :)
  3. Runway 28L/10R at SFO will reopen tomorrow. Exact time is unknown.
  4. The next couple days to a week im gonna have a permanent smile or grin on my face. Life's been quite well lately. Its only bound to continue on as does the rest of the world.
  5. Theres something about the smell of rain hitting the pavement and ground in the summer that is so intoxicating. Thanks for stopping by Monsoons!
  6. From @flySFO's Twitter: "Hope to have runway 28R open in the next few hours. This will help arrivals and departures and decrease wait times."
  7. So I wanted to say something about today and my reporting on the facts of Asiana 214. I know there is now a total of 2 confirmed deaths from this accident. I could've reserved my thoughts on saying all souls survived. But alas it was in the heat of the moment and needed to be said. Lets not forget and for the moment that 299 other souls survived this crash. We will know more of course in the days and weeks ahead. To those that thanked me for the information I provided immediately after this i...
  8. Updates to diversions for all the avgeeks. Lufthansa's A380 is at Oakland right now. Air France diverted to Seattle. UAL planes east of Denver or slightly west of Denver have been diverted to that Hub. Closer in, UAL flights are being diverted to OAK, SJC, SMF, RNO, LAS, and LAX respectively. If you have any more flights that you guys are watching being diverted. Namely international, post it below.
  9. BART-Union Update. Temporary Agreement in place. Trains will resume service Friday Afternoon.
  10. Past couple weeks or so ive been having some up and down emotional moments with thinking about Dad and him not being around this planet anymore. And how i really never got to know him the way i wanted to as i grow older. Not gonna lie i've had my moments of despair. But thanks to some of you, you put a smile on my face and really cheered me up. You also made me realize that you truly are there for me through thick and thin. Some of you know who you are. Others, you didnt know that you helped,...
  11. Early for it. BART workers are on strike after the last PITT-SFIA Train arrives at SFIA at 0130.
  12. Hooray 'Hawks!
  13. Thank god baseball will be going on strong from now till November! I respect my basketball friends.. But give me a ball park to sit in on a warm summers evening anytime!
  14. If you are receiving this status, you are on my close friends list. Last Friday, My Father, Dennis Michael Carlin left this planet we all live on. He passed away of Natural Causes at the age of 51 in Chandler, AZ. My mother told me of the news when i came home from my trip to Chicago and SF for my 26th birthday trip. To those that are asking if i am okay, yes, yes i am fine. I really haven't been emotional because of the fact that i really didn't have that sort of connection with my father...
  15. I cant help but thank everyone again yesterday for the birthday wishes you guys posted on my wall. I cant get to all of them individually, i did at the time to some. But i hope the like will suffice as a "thank you". :-) I also want to thank the Lambert family for a wonderful dinner at their house once again this year. I am so blessed to be part of your guys family. :) And to Will, Evan, and Dan, the three of you guys along with Christian when hes around, you guys just make Chicago, like SF,...
  16. My 26th year on this planet began with a quiet evening with 2 amazing friends in a town that has meant so much to me over the years. I'm humbled to have such amazing people on this planet to call friends, and soulmates. Miles can separate all of us, but the bond of friendship is yet intact through and through. Life for me and has been something I take one day at a time. Today is where I just look upon years past, and see how much more my soul and spirit have grown. This long weekend has been...
  17. To my ATC friends, the refreshed and now clearer LAX LiveATC feed is up! Sounds amazing. Go listen to it!
  18. A couple people that i am friends admire lost their mothers today. Take a moment to give your mom a call or see her if she is close by. And let her know how much you love her, and care for her.
  19. My East Coast friends! If you are able to do so, im gonna be going to Raleigh the weekend of March 8th for my birthday. I am planning a party/lunch-kinda thing for March 9th, if you are able to come down or up, depending on your direction, let me know! I'm doing it in the afternoon that in case some of you non-rev to RDU, you can make it a day trip and return home the same day. Just let me know if any of you guys are interested!
  20. "I truly believe there is more to a person on the inside then out, unfortunately as time goes on our features on the outside show a little wear and tear. But what never changes no matter how old we get are the most amazing features on the inside" - JRB. Truth.
  21. Just gonna put an advanced notice up that when i head up for Oregon on Monday the 28th, im gonna go "ATC ZERO", "Off the Grid", whatever you want to call it for a couple weeks. Just need some time away from social media and its antics. If you need me, those that know, do know how to reach me.
  22. While all of you enjoy and/or bicker about the BCS championship game, i'm waiting patiently for Opening Day in 84 days thank you very much!
  23. Take a moment to step back and look at the life you have around you once during the day. Be thankful of the blessings you have in your life. Soulmates, parents, the ability to travel to see the people you love and cherish the most. Never take any of those things for granted. And don't let anyone hold you back from what you want to do and what you believe is right for your life.
  24. GIANTS WIN!!!!!!! GIANTS WIN!!!!!!!!!! THEY DID IT!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
  25. 1 more GIANTS!!!! LETS DO THIS! :-D
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